


Shanghai is one of the largest cities in China with a very favorable geogroaphical location. It lies on the west coast of the Pacific,and is in the middle of China's east coastline and at the mouth of the Yangtze River.
Shanghai occupies a area of 6,341sq. km and consists of 18 districts and 1 county. Its city proper occupies an area of 2,642sq. km. It has a population of 16 million, of which 9.48 million live in the urban areas.
Shanghai is a modern and young city. It show us the past history and new face. The sightseeing of Shnghai is gorgeous. It will be an unforgettable experience for you!

上海是中国最大的城市之一,地理位置优越. 它位于太平洋西部的海岸,中国海岸线的中段东部长江出海口上。 上海面积6341平方米,由18个区县和. 它占地1平方公里城区面积2,642 km.有人口1600万,其中948.0万生活在城市地区。 上海是一个现代和年轻的城市, 它告诉我们过去的历史和新面貌华丽 这将是您难忘的体验