新概念英语青少版2A lesson14听力原文

朗文外研社 新概念英语 青少版 2A unit 7 lesson 14的听力(LISTENING)原文(P57)

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Jack: Hi there, William. I don’t usually see you on this train.
William: Oh hello, Jack. Yes, this is not my usual train. I usually get the 6:49(p.m.). I’m coming home early tonight.
Jack: The 6:49? That’s quite late. What time do you start work in the morning?
William: I’m usually at my desk by around 8:30(a.m.).
Jack: That’s a long day at work, William.
William: It is a long day, but it’s OK. Some people take work home with them every night.
Jack: That’s right. I’ve got some work here in my briefcase now.
William: Yes, I’m sure. Well, I try to do my work at my desk in the office. I don’t often bring work home. You travel a lot, don’t you, Jack?
Jack: Yes, I do. But that’s my job. Mine is an international business.
William: So is mine. But my job is about computers, yours is about people. I don’t often need to travel.
第1个回答  2010-09-24