
例如:as soon as ,as well as这一类的词 谢谢啦

1。 表示举例,意为“例如,诸如此类的,像……那样的”,相当于like或for example。 2.表示“像……这样的”,其中的 as 用作关系代词,引导定语从句,as 在定语从句中用作主语或宾语。此外,不要按汉语意思把该结构中的 as 换成like。 3。.表示举例,意为“例如,诸如此类的,像……那样的”,相当于like或for example。 一、such as 的七个用法 1. 表示举例,意为“例如,诸如此类的,像……那样的”,相当于like或for example。如: There are few poets such as Keats and Shelly. 像济慈和雪莱这样的诗人现在很少了。 Adverbs are used to modify verbs, such as “quickly” in “she ran fast”. 副词用来修饰动词,例如“她跑得快”中的“快”。 Animals such as rabbits and deer continue to be active all winter,finding food wherever they can . 像兔和鹿这样的动物整个冬天都是很活跃的,它们到处寻找食物。 用于此义时的几点说明: (1) 这类结构既可表现为“名词+such as+例子”,也可表现为“such+名词+as+例子”。如: I enjoy songs such as this one.= I enjoy such songs as this one. 我喜欢像这首歌一样的歌。 (2) 若后接动词,通常用动名词,有时也可用动词原形。如: Don’t do anything silly such as marry him. 不要做什么蠢事,比如说去嫁给他。 Magicians often perform tricks such as pulling a rabbit out of a hat. 魔术师常常变从帽子里抓出兔子的戏法。 (3) 不要按汉语意思将such as用作such like。 (4) 其后不可列出前面所提过的所有东西。如: 正:I know four languages, such as Japanese and English. 我懂四种语言,如日语、英语。 误:I know four languages, such as Chinese, French, Japanese and English. 我懂四种语言,如汉语、法语、日语和英语。 (5) 在现代英语中,such as可与etc. 连用。如: They planted many flowers, such as roses, sunflowers,etc. 他们种了许多种花,如玫瑰花、向日葵等。 They export a 1ot of fruits,such as oranges,lemons,etc. 他们出口许多水果,如桔子、柠檬等。 2. 表示“像……这样的”,其中的 as 用作关系代词,引导定语从句,as 在定语从句中用作主语或宾语。此外,不要按汉语意思把该结构中的 as 换成like。如: He is not such a fool as he looks. 他并不像他看起来那么傻。 Such men as he (is) are rare now. 现在像他这样的人很少了。 3. 表示“凡是……的人(或事物)”、“所有……的人(事物)”,其意相当于 everything that, all those, those that (who)等。其中的 such 为先行词,as 为关系代词。如: Take such (things) as you need. 你需要什么就拿什么。 You may choose such as you prefer. 你可挑选自己想要的东西。 Such (people) as have knowledge and skill will not want to work. 有知识和技能的人不愁没有工作。 4. 有时 such as 整个儿用作关系代词,用以引导定语从句。如: We had hoped to give you a chance such as nobody else ever had. 我们本来希望给你一个别人从未有过的机会。 Then I left it,feeling a weight at my heart such as I had neve
第1个回答  2010-05-09

as ... as

用于比较句型,中间插入的是形容词或副词的原级。意思是"达到与什么相同的程度"。如:He is as strong as a horse. 他力大如牛。


1. as soon as

意思是"一......就......",引导一个时间状语从句。如:I'll call you as soon as I finish my homework. 我一完成我的作业,就给你打电话。

2. as long as

意思是"长达......之久;只要......"。如:She has searched the information about dinosaurs on the Internet as long as three hours. 她在因特网上搜索有关恐龙的信息已经长达三个小时。

3. as much as

意思是"高达......;与......一样多"。是用来表达极其多的语气。如:Some of the stones weigh as much as fifteen tons.有些石头重达15吨。

参考资料:baidu zhi dao

第2个回答  2014-12-21

(1) 在否定句中,第一个 as 也可换成 so。如:

He doesn’t study as [so] hard as his brother. 他学习不如他弟弟努力。

(2) 在该结构的两个as之间通常接形容词或副词的原级,但若涉及数量或程度,可用“as much+不可数名词+as”和“as many+复数名词+as”。如:

You’ve made as many mistakes as I have. 你犯的错误和我犯的一样多。

I haven’t got as much money as I thought. 我不像原来想像的有那么多钱。


She is as good a teacher as her mother. 她和她妈妈一样是位好老师。

也可说。如:She is a teacher as good as her mother.

但不说。如:She is as a good teacher as her mother. / They are as good teachers as us.

(3) 第二个as后接从句时,该as通常为连词,但有时这个as还充当其后从句的主语或宾语,此时该as实为关系代词。如:

I gave him as much as he could eat. 他能吃多少,我就给了他多少。

We’ve got food for as many people as want it. 我们的食物,无论多少人吃都够了。

(4) 该结构根据情况可用使用以下修饰语。如:(not) nearly, almost, just, nothing like, exactly, not quite, half, one-ten, twice, three times, 30 per cent等,并且这些修饰语必须置于第一个as之前,而不能置于其后。如:

He doesn’t play half as well as his sister. 他演奏的水平不及他姐姐的一半。

This dress is twice as expensive as that. 这件连衣裙比那件贵一倍。

(5) 若第二个as引导一个表示将来意义的从句,则该从句可用现在时表示将来,也可直接使用将来时态。如:

We’ll get there as soon as you do [will]. 你一到,我们就到。

(6) 在非正式场合(尤其是美国英语中),有时可以省略第一个as。如:

When over forty, he married a woman poor as himself. 他在40多岁时娶了一个像他本人一样穷的女人。


The radios in that shop will be cheaper, but not as good. 那家商店的收音机会便宜些,但质量没那么好。
第3个回答  2020-02-01
第4个回答  2020-03-09