搜一首英语歌好像是两个男生唱的好好听 刚开始时一段rap后面就是下面的歌词 急求!!

中间歌词大概是 beautiful girl,all over the world. I could be chasing or my time would be wasting get nothing than you ,baby~~什么的。。

歌名就叫《Nothing on you》 演唱者是 B.O.B 和 Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars:beautiful girls all over the world世界上有那么多的漂亮女孩
i could be chasing but my time would be wasted我可以去追她们 不过那只会浪费我的时间
they got nothing on you baby她们都比不上你,宝贝
nothing on you baby没人比得上你,宝贝
B.O.B:i know you feel where I'm coming from我知道你能看得出 我是什么样的人
regardless of the things in my past that I've done不管过去我做过什么荒唐事
most of it really was for the hell of t he fun大多数都是玩玩罢了
on the carousel so around i spun就像旋转木马般,我已晕头转向
with no directions just tryna get some没有任何方向,只是试图追求什么
tryna chase skirts, living in the summer sun想要追逐夏日阳光里的那些短裙妹纸
this is how i lost more than i had ever won所以我满盘皆输,全部泡汤
and honestly i ended up with none说实话 我以杯具收场
it's so much nonsense, it's on my conscience做过太多愚蠢的事 我扪心自问
I'm thinking baby i should get it out我在想宝贝,我应该将它抛开
and i don't wanna sound redundant, but i was wondering 我不想让它听起来像是一句废话 不过我曾想过
if there was something that you wanna know有没有哪些事是你想知道的
but never mind that we should let it go不过那都不重要 把它给忘了吧
cuz we don't wanna be a t.v episode因为我们不想搞得像在演连续剧
and all the bad thoughts just let them go所有的烦恼,就让它们全部溜走
Bruno Mars:beautiful girls all over the world世界上有那么多的漂亮女孩
i could be chasing but my time would be wasted我可以去追她们 不过那只会浪费我的时间
they got nothing on you baby她们都比不上你,宝贝
nothing on you baby没人比得上你,宝贝
they might say hi and i might say hey她们可能跟我打个招呼 我也会回应一声
but you shouldn't worry about what they say你实在不必担心 她们跟我说了些什么
cuz they got nothing on you baby因为她们都比不上你,宝贝
nothing on you baby没人比得上你,宝贝
B.O.B:hands down, there will never be another one毫无疑问 再也不会有另一个你
i been around and i never seen another one我已寻觅多时 从没看到过另一个你
look at your style they ain't really got nothing on因为你的格调,完全无人可以相比
and you wild when you ain't got nothing on而且你啥都不穿时是如此狂野
baby you the whole package plus you pay your taxes宝贝你已完美无缺 而且会自己掏腰包
and you keep it real while them other stay plastic别的女孩都如此拜金 你做你自己
you're my wonder women call me Mr. Fantastic你是我的神奇女侠 我是你的神奇先生
stop.. now think about it停下 快想想
Bruno Mars:I've been to London, I've been to paris我去过伦敦 我去过巴黎
even went out there to Tokyo甚至连东京都不放过
back home down in Georgia to new orleans回到家乡佐治亚州,来到新奥尔良
but you always still to show但你总能抢走风头
and just like that girl you got me froze 就像那样 你让我来回往复
like a Nintendo 64 就像任天堂64游戏机
if you never knew well now you know 如果你以前不知道 现在你应该知道了
Bruno Mars:beautiful girls all over the world世界上有那么多的漂亮女孩
i could be chasing but my time would be wasted我可以去追她们 不过那只会浪费我的时间
they got nothing on you baby她们都比不上你,宝贝
nothing on you baby没人比得上你,宝贝
they might say hi and i might say hey她们可能跟我打个招呼 我也会回应一声
but you shouldn't worry about what they say你实在不必担心 她们跟我说了些什么
cuz they got nothing on you baby因为她们都比不上你,宝贝
nothing on you baby没人比得上你,宝贝
B.O.B:everywhere i go, I'm always hearing your name不管我走到哪里 脑中只有你的名字
and no matter where I'm at, girl you make me wanna sing不管我身在何方 女孩你总是让我想高唱
whether a bus or a plane, or a car, or a train不管是坐巴士还是飞机 坐汽车或是火车
no other girl's on my brain, and you the one to blame我的脑海中再无其他女孩 这都要怪你
Bruno Mars:beautiful girls all over the world世界上有那么多的漂亮女孩
i could be chasing but my time would be wasted我可以去追她们 不过那只会浪费我的时间
they got nothing on you baby她们都比不上你,宝贝
nothing on you baby没人比得上你,宝贝
they might say hi and i might say hey她们可能跟我打个招呼 我也会回应一声
but you shouldn't worry about what they say你实在不必担心 她们跟我说了些什么
cuz they got nothing on you baby因为她们都比不上你,宝贝
nothing on you baby没人比得上你,宝贝
B.O.B:yeah and that's just how we do it Yeah这就是我们的方式
and i'ma let this ride就让它这样吧

第1个回答  2013-12-15
《nothing on you》, 是B.O.B与Bruno Mars的合作歌曲
第2个回答  2013-12-15