changes in our life为题写一篇英语作文 主要写家里生活的变化


In recent years, there have been many changes in our lives. One significant change is in our family life. With the rise of technology, we now use gadgets like smartphones and tablets for communication and entertainment. Previously, we spent more time talking to each other, but now we often sit together but are engrossed in our own devices.

Another change is our eating habits. We now eat more fast food as it's more convenient than cooking at home. However, this isn't always healthy, and some family members are starting to appreciate homemade meals once again.

Overall, we've become more reliant on technology and convenience, but we're learning that sometimes the old ways of doing things are still valuable.


1. technology - 技术

2. gadgets - 小型电器

3. communication - 交流

4. entertainment - 娱乐

5. engrossed - 全神贯注的

6. eating habits - 饮食习惯

7. fast food - 快餐

8. convenient - 方便的

9. homemade meals - 自制餐

第1个回答  2023-06-08
Changes in Our Life
In the past few years, there have been a lot of changes in our family's life. The most significant change has been the addition of a new member to our family - my little sister. Her arrival has brought a lot of joy and happiness to us all.
With a new baby in the house, our daily routine has changed significantly. My parents now have to spend more time taking care of my sister, which means they have less time to spend with me and my older brother. However, we are all adapting to the changes and trying to make the most of our time together.
Another big change in our lives has been the move to a new house. We now live in a larger and more comfortable home, which has made a big difference to our quality of life. We have more space to relax and enjoy ourselves, and we are closer to our schools and other amenities.
Despite all the changes, some things have remained the same. We still enjoy spending time together as a family, whether it's going for a walk or watching a movie. We still have our little quirks and traditions that make our family unique.
All in all, the changes in our lives have been positive and have brought us closer together as a family. We are excited to see what the future holds and are grateful
在过去几年中,我们家的生活发生了很多变化。最重要的变化是我们家新增了一个成员 - 我的小妹妹。她的到来给我们带来了很多欢乐和幸福。
第2个回答  2022-08-02
Changes in Our Life
Over the past twenty years or so,great changes have taken place in our life.Take my family for example.My parents contacted others mainly by sending them letters in the past.But now we Call long distance at home.And once my parents listened to the radio for news and other information.But now we get the news by watching TV.Another big change is in my living conditions.When they got married about twenty years ago,my parents lived in a small room crowded with fiirniture.But now we have moved into a big new three-room apartment.In short,our life has become comfortable and convenient.
第3个回答  2023-06-17
Changes in Our Life
Over the past few years, my family has gone through some significant changes. These changes have brought us both challenges and opportunities, but through it all, we have remained resilient and supportive of one another.
One of the biggest changes we experienced was when my parents decided to sell our old house and purchase a new one. The new house is in a different neighborhood and has more space for our family. Although we were all excited about moving to a new place, it was not easy to say goodbye to the memories we had made in our old house.
Additionally, with the new house came new responsibilities. We had to adjust to a new routine and take care of the new house. We had to learn how to maintain the house, fix any issues that arose, and keep everything clean.
Not only did we move to a new house, but we also adopted a pet dog. His name is Max, and he has brought so much joy and laughter into our lives. He is the center of attention, and we all dote on him. However, owning a pet also means more responsibility, and we had to make sure to feed him, walk him, and take care of any of his needs.
Furthermore, there were some financial changes, too. My parents both switched jobs, and we had to cut back on some expenses. We had to be more conscious of our budget, which meant less eating out and more home-cooked meals.
Overall, these changes have brought us closer together as a family. We have had to work together to adjust to the new circumstances and support each other through challenging times. We have also created some new memories that we will treasure for years to come.
In conclusion, changes in our lives can be both exciting and challenging. Moving to a new house, adopting a dog, and adjusting to new routines and responsibilities have brought my family closer together. We have learned to rely on one another and have created new memories that will last a lifetime.