高手进 英文演讲稿 在线等 速度啊!

有些同学会因为老师、家长或同学的误解而闷闷不乐,有些同学会因为学习落后而忧心忡忡,还有些同学会因为朋友不多而愁眉不展。请你就以前“问题”写篇演讲稿 在班上和同学们谈谈如何解决这些思想障碍

英文演讲稿 高三的 在线等 速度啊!
我说的和梦想有什么关系啊 啊啊啊 啊!
拜托快一点 哪怕你从别处搜索到得都可以 只要能用 就给分








还记得,在小学我是一个天真浪漫,活泼可爱的女孩。由于在家里呆惯了,来到学校还不很自然,而且还很厌恶;但因我的天生性格,没多长时间就适应了。可老问题解决了,新问题又来了。我开始对学校的任何事物都产生疑问。例如:为什么老师教我而我不教他们呢?为什么“铃”一响我就上课下课呢?为什么老师让做什么,就做什么?这些疑问总是在我的脑海里转来转去~~久久不能挥去。当我鼓起勇气问老师时,却换来了冷嘲热讽;又当我问起最信任的妈妈时,却换来了“傻孩子,你真是自讨没趣”。在我正憋着闷气的时候,爸爸回来了。我毫不抱希望的,并带着批评的可能,将我的想法和遭到拒绝的事情一五一十的告诉了他……TO MY SURPRISE 爸爸回答了我的疑问。原来也是一种“自然规律”,我那天非常高兴,为我的FATHER AND SOLVE PROPLEM。
























回答:我不要长大,但又不得不长大。 。












英文:Blink of an eye, I have a 14-year-old girl it! After 14 years of growth, the number of heart trouble realizing it!
What you grow up? Trouble is what? Want me to tell you listen to ah! Stephen Chow's one that can only be cited: the "rolling like a river, continuously; also like the Yellow River flood, got out of hand!"
Although I have 14 years old, and yet a child ah. Play It is our nature to do a child that can be considered high-handed about our right Oh! However, we entered the stage the students that have fun at all? Want to play? "You finished your homework?" "Finished," "check it out?" "Also examined." "That's the lesson to review the previous review, or preview preview tomorrow of course! Do not idle ah!" This kind of dialogue, do not know how many times there. To learn, but they can not stop us from break, right? Parents, teachers, work less, exercise less, have less supervision, give us some time to rest it!
"Grow up, you should own household chores." "Grow up, how naive do not know?" "Grown up, and how more and more disobedient?" The dialogue can be a bit are not familiar with all the growth in , also often heard the elders talk about the case for you, right? After listening to my heart how uncomfortable ah! We are now in the growth stage of development to maturity. That we grow up, but this ... ... so ... ... and do not clearly indicated Hai Ba we treated like a child it? Since we were kids, but look at us as kids, do not hurry to press forward with our growth, Well, I do not want to grow up so fast blanket! Mom and Dad,
Of ability to understand our minds in the world Oh!
Oops - too much trouble growing it! Consider a math test tomorrow, after 10 pm there two essays, three papers, four exercises have not done, Mom and Dad do not know me, my parents always peek diary, the students do not contact me friends misunderstand me ... ... Rights of these worries too much, how much fun we less, how many laugh? How I was still attached to their first breath and staggering when walking ah?
However, growth is such that there is a happy worry, there is joy there is sorrow. Rainbow Bridge, as mounted, red orange Huanglv Qing blue-violet, although numerous, are not inferior to colorful. Also like the seasoning bottles, bittersweet salty, the taste of them tried to know! Loosen your hands, take your troubles it, you sad, happy all the current events coming up for your Rainbow Bridge. To grow all your life episode, the composition of unique seasoning bottles without child.
Now I have a childhood and into young little adults. Although my life journey has just begun, but I sincerely thank the growth he brought me joy, he let me gradually to mature and he brought me a lot of traveling oasis and ocean .
Remember, in primary school I was a naive romantic, lovely girl. As used to stay at home, went to school is not very natural, and very offensive; but my natural disposition, not long to adapt. Can solve old problems, new problems came again. I started the school in any doubt everything. For example: why the teacher taught me and I do not teach them? Why is "bell" rings on the school after class I do? Why the teacher to do anything, just do what? These questions are always in my mind spinning ~ ~ long time could not shake off. When I the courage to ask teachers,
In return for the cynical; then when I asked about the most trusted her mother, in return for the "Silly boy, you really asking for trouble." Sulk in when I was simmering, Daddy. I have no hope at all, and with criticism of the possible, my thoughts and refused to tell what lay it to his father ... ... TO MY SURPRISE answered my question. The original is a "natural", I very happy day for my FATHER AND SOLVE PROPLEM.
Look at these problems, brought me how much "criticized" and "silly" comment. But I really did not feel like this, be happy, but also proud. Because I have been introduced.
Primary school, secondary school. Happy not reduced, but increased. For example: Friendship tug of war competition, oral English class, students gather together to chat and so on ... ... This makes our arduous task of learning a lot easier. I found in the school garden, especially the happy, I do not know why? Anyway, there is a power I exert ourselves, like birds flying in their own world.
Yes ah! Lovely campus life has brought me immense pleasure, whether classroom or playground, is full of our vitality. More importantly, I get a lot of their own oasis and the ocean.
Indeed, the growth is happy. Although it will some unfortunate, but every time the better, are happy. We would like such happiness, grow, and become useful to the freedom of people!
Growing Pains
I do not know when, "growth" and "worry" is a combination of the two words together, so I see there is a heavy heart about this subject to talk, there is a grumbling stomach to vent, there are full of melancholy to reveal, well kind of topic!
Person's life may have been growing, it can be said once in a lifetime of growth from start to finish. Do not know, "trouble" is not a countable noun, if so, I think that in 10 of the 24 th power of this magnitude, nor is excessive. Ji said: "Youth do not know real depression." Perhaps he is a carefree young elderly, but also perhaps the progress of history, will be a series of troubles, all left us.
Trouble, like fog, like rain, and like the wind, desperately we hold onto. Trouble is a routine for us.
Examinations, assignments, exercises unthinking hit to me, many of the known, verify, prove, answer waiting for me. The following is my recent months of exercise selection.
1, is known: it is 22:59 GMT. Existing nearly 1 m high and weighs nearly 1 ton of exercise in waiting for me, but my body has no energy to re-erect the brain to remind me to sleep.
Requirements: Do you want to exercise completed?
A: I am going to bed. No, no, imagine if I did not complete the job tomorrow, what the teacher will use his face, eye to treat me. Then what would my mother to me. How will I end up end. If I had known there now How can I noon to play soccer? But I did not grow up a child Well, how not to play truth? My first child, and is a student! Sleep ... ...
Marking: What do you want? Fast up to do exercises. Who told you at noon to play it? You are a student first, followed by children, and is a big boy!
Marking by: Mom
Revision: Do it, do it, "Oliver" boundless it. If I did not grow up, that more wonderful!
Second, is known: the clothes do last year, has been unable to wear the the.
Confirmation: I have grown up.
∵ can not wear the clothes of last year,
∴ my height bigger than last year.
∴ I grew up.
Conclusion: I did indeed grow.
Marking: Light in height, not long mind.
Marking by: Dad
Answer: I do not grow up, but had to grow up. .
3, is known: seven classes a day, sometimes plus class, read books, did the practice no less than a few hundred copies.
Requirements: growth is good or bad?
Solution: day seven lessons, each lesson 40 minutes, five days a week and a half, 20 weeks a semester, the cumulative time up to 36,400 hours, combined with operation time per day, up to five thousand hours . I spent so much time to learn what? (1) I will solution equation; (2) I will solve trigonometry; (3) I would geometrical proof; (4) I will type; (5) I will be using computers; (6) I will read the article; (7) I will write articles; (8) I will mapping; (9) I can speak English; (10) I will all kinds of painting; (11) I will listen to music; ( 12) I will carpentry; (13) ... ... and so I will electrician. It seems I did not waste time. A decade ago,
I will only eat, drink, sleeping, sleeping, there are mischievous.
∴ basis of this calculation, years later, I at least, college students, perhaps what was a "home" and what professors, what Dr.
∴ me did not grow up white.
Conclusion: The growth is still good.
Marking: I want to grow up, I am not afraid of trouble.
Marking by: I
I have to say:
Young but I know real depression!
Junior fear real depression!!
Growing Pains do not worry.
第1个回答  2010-05-03
I have a dream

Every one has his own dream.When I was a little kid ,my dream was even to have a candy shop of my own .But now ,when I am 16 years old ,standing here ,my dreams have already changed a lot.

I have got quite different experience from other girls.While they were playing toys at home,while they were dreaming to be the princesses in the story .I was running in the hard rain,jumping in the heavy snow,pitching in the strong wind.Nothing could stop me ,because of a wonderful call from my heart -- to be an athlete.Yeah ,of course ,I'm an athlete,I'm so proud of that all the time .

When I was 10 years old ,I became a shot-put athlete.The training was really hard ,I couldn't bear the heavy shot in my hands .But I always believe that "god only help those who help themselves".During those hard days,I find I was growing more quickly than others of the same age.To be an athlete is my most correct choice.But,I quit my team after entering high school because of a silly excuse.I really didn't want to stop my sports career anyway.

Today I say to you my friends that even though I must face the difficulties of yesterday ,today and tomorrow .I still have a dream .It is a dream deeply rooted in my soul.

I have a dream that one day ,I can run,jump and pitch just like I used to be.

I have a dream that one day , I can go back to my dream sports and join the national team.

I have a dream that one day ,I can stand on the highest place at the olympic games.With all the cameras pointing at me.I will tell everyone that I'm so proud to be a Chinese athlete!

This is my hope .This is the faith that I continue my steps with!!!

With this faith ,I will live though the strong wind and heavy rain ,never give up !

So let victory ring from my heart,from all of you.When we allow victory to ring .I must be the one!

In my imagination,I'm a bird ,a magical bird.I carry my dreams all with me by my big wings. I fly though the mountains ,though the forests ,over the sea,to the sun ,the warmest place in the aerospace!

Every night ,I have a dream ,I see a girl ---smiling
第2个回答  2010-05-03
I don't kown englishi~