

Christianity was practiced clandestinely within the Roman Empire for three centuries, enduring relentless persecution by the military.
In 336 AD, Emperor Constantine decreed the legalization of Christianity in the Roman Empire, issuing the Milan Edict. He established December 25th as the day to celebrate Christmas.
Previously, on December 25th, Romans honored their Sun God. However, with the adoption of Christianity by the Romans, this date began to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ.
It was not until 1607 that church leaders gathered in Bethlehem to officially designate December 25th as Christmas. From that time, the majority of Christians worldwide have recognized this date as the festive occasion.
Christmas, also known as the Christ Mass, originated from the pagan Roman festival of Saturnalia, celebrating the winter solstice. The early Christian church adopted this festival to coincide with the birth of Jesus, though there is no biblical evidence to confirm the exact date of his birth. The celebration of Christmas is a result of the Christian adaptation of Roman pagan traditions.
Catholic churches typically hold Midnight Mass on December 24th, known as平安夜, followed by Christmas celebrations on the morning of December 25th. In contrast, Eastern Orthodox churches celebrate Christmas on January 7th each year.