

世界博览会是由一个国家的政府主办,有多个国家或国际组织参加,以展现人类在社会、经济、文化和科技领域取得成就的国际性大型展示会。其特点是举办时间长、展出规模大、参展国家多、影响深远。自1851年英国伦敦举办第一届展览会以来,世博会因其发展迅速而享有“经济、科技、文化领域内的奥林匹克盛会”的美誉。按照国际展览局的规定,世界博览会按性质、规模、展期分为两种:一种是注册类(以前称综合性)世博会,展期通常为6个月,从2000年开始每5年举办一次;另一类是认可类(以前称专业性)世博会,展期通常为3个月,在两届注册类世博会之间举办一次。注册类世界博览会不同于一般的贸易促销和经济招商的展览会,是全球最高级别的博览会ps:这个没英文版。---------------------------------------------------------------------world expositions are galleries of human inspirations and thoughts. since 1851 when the great exhibition of industries of all nations was held in london, the world expositions have attained increasing prominence as grand events for economic, scientific, technological and cultural exchanges, serving as an important platform for displaying historical experience, exchanging innovative ideas, demonstrating esprit de corps and looking to the future.世界博览会是人类文明的驿站。从1851年伦敦的“万国工业博览会”至今,世博会正日益成为全球经济、科技和文化领域的盛会,成为各国人民总结历史经验、交流聪明才智、体现合作精神、展望未来发展的重要舞台。with a long civilization, china favors international exchange and loves world peace. china owes its successful bid for the world exposition in 2010 to the support for and confidence of the international community in its reform and opening up. the exposition will be the first registered world exposition to be held in a developing country, which gives expression to the expectations the world’s people place on china’s future development.具有悠久东方文明的中国,是一个热爱国际交往、崇尚世界和平的国度。中国取得了2010年世博会的举办权,这将是注册类世界博览会首次在发展中国家举行,体现了国际社会对中国改革开放道路的支持和信任,也体现了世界人民对中国未来发展的瞩目和期盼。----------------------------------------------------------------------下面是关于上海的世博会so what will expo 2010 shanghai china deliver to the world? there is no doubt that the chinese people will present to the world a successful, splendid and unforgettable exposition.中国将在2010年上海世博会上为世界人民奉献什么?毫无疑问,中国人民将为五湖四海的宾客奉上一届成功、精彩、难忘的盛会
第1个回答  2010-06-14
The World Expo in 2010(2010年世博会)

Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo. The World Expo has a long history but it has never been held in Asia. So the 2010 World Expo is an honor for all of the Asians. ()ur government
has promised that it will be the best one. And Shanghai, as a host city, will have more chances to develop quickly. As a student in Shanghai, I should learn English well so that I can be a volunteer in the Expo to help foreigners know more about Shanghai.

How To Be A Lovely Citizen(如何成为一个可爱的上海人)

Great changes have taken place in Shanghai and more and more people throughout the world are focusing their attention on Shanghai now. As a citizen of Shanghai, I feel I must spare no efforts to do my bit. First, I decide to help plant more trees to make our city more beautiful. Second, I should obey seven nos and be good at learning from others. Third, I should study hard so that I can do something better for my city in the future.
第2个回答  2010-06-14
The World Expo in 2010(2010年世博会)

The World Expo in 2010
Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo. The World Expo has a long history but it has never been held in Asia. So the 2010 World Expo is an honor for all of the Asians. ()ur government
has promised that it will be the best one. And Shanghai, as a host city, will have more chances to develop quickly. As a student in Shanghai, I should learn English well so that I can be a volunteer in the Expo to help foreigners know more about Shanghai.
第3个回答  2010-06-14
Expo and me
Everybody knows the solemn Expo will coming. The Expo will be held on the first of May and end on the thirtieth of October. There over 184 days to go for World Expo.
Expo’s lovely mascot is “Haibao”.Haibao is wearing a blue dress and he is very popular now.Expo has many building. The China pavilion is near my home. I see it everyday. It has seven red.
I am a student in Shanghai in China. What can I do for Expo?
I think the first is we must study hard in English because millions of foreigners will visit Shanghai during 2010 World Expo.If a foreigners has some problem. I will help them. If a person go an astray. I will tell him how to go and tell them the theme of World Expo is”Better city Better life.”
Secoondy,We can draw some picture and tell the people don’t do something.Some sign means”Don’t pick flower”and so on.
The third,we will do a volunteer.When you see some people wear the same colour dress then they are volunteer.
Expo will coming.Let’s go to help everybody !

Expo 2010 Shanghai China is opened in 1st May and will be closed in October. "Better City, Better Life" is the topic of 2010 Expo. Expo be held in china can not only let the China more understand the World, but also let the World more understand our hometown-China. I’d like very much to go and visit it, in that case I can eat the food all over the world and meet the people all over the world about the Expo and World.

Floating in the water level of the French Pavilion Jinxian Aqua Beauty - streams flowing along the French garden, small fountain show, and water gardens.
Queue waiting area from the beginning, visitors on the body in the pure French garden. Escalator Huanhuandejiang visitors into top-level exhibition hall, exhibition area spread in the ramp, along the downhill back to the starting point. One side of the tour route is a powerful visual image of the wall, old French movie clips or images of modern France, without exception, expounding on the French city of impressions.
Pavilion is located in the middle of the shallow pool as long as the water drained, is a stage for various cultural festivals. Combined with the bright colorful lighting effects, so that this "sentimental city" even in the night, but also showing a more feminine style.
The top French restaurants will showcase exquisite French food and romance, stroll roof garden, but also can be beautiful panoramic view of Huangpu River. "Sensibility city" will allow visitors to have the taste, sight, touch, smell, hearing of the feast, the carefree experience of French charm.

Dear sir or Madam ,
I have known the news about volunteers for Chongqing Pavilion on the Internet .So I am writing to apply for the great chance.
My name is Xia Yu,a middle school student form Chongqing, and I am leaving school soon.I will have a three-month holiday. I love English very much ,I have taken part in lots of English activities .I can speak English very well,so I can communicate with foreigners fluently.
I was born in Chongqing,and grew up there.I know her so much.For example, Chongqing is a beautiful mountain city .People there are friendly and like hot food, especially hotpot.
If you can give me this chance ,I must try my best to be an excellent volunteer.I will introduce Chongqing to the visitors from China or all over the world , and do help them know more about her and China than before.
Thank you!

Your sincerely,
Xia Yu

I would like to be a volunteer in my spare time. My reasons are as follows:
First of all, it is a good virtue to help others, even in modern society. We all need others’ help in case we get into trouble. Secondly, we are able to better ourselves by helping others because we gain valuable experience and build up our confidence while serving others. What’s more, volunteering makes us feel better about ourselves, thus making our life more enjoyable. More importantly, we can make the world a better place to live in by volunteering to improve it.
In summary, volunteering can make a difference to our life, so I think it is very rewarding to be a volunteer.