


Summer holidays are hot and cheerful. In the morning, the sun is shining brightly. Dad drove the car and took me to the childrens park. The first time I entered the door, I was not happy in any way, but also very relaxed.

A cool breeze blew, reminding me of the pool water here.

I quickly ran to the pool, looking at the quiet, can not help but think of a poem: "Xiao He just dew sharp Angle, early dragonfly stand above." Theres no charge here but the pool is a charge.





第1个回答  2014-08-13
1,This afternoon, I and my mother in the balcony throw darts game.
My mother and I prepared a notebook to record the score, to throw thedart, the first time I got zero eggs, second scored seven points, mom firstgot the points, second got zero, we both high and one low unconsciously has gone for some time, my mother and I to the last disc the mom and I hope to win the other, but also can not win, then I lost my mother won. Isighed,mothersaid:"don't be discouraged, the next task."
I'm hearing these words also happy laughter.
2,Today, my mother and I play online games at home.
Because there is no rush second pass yesterday, so today we play, wehad a long time to break second.,My mother and I laugh, I have five points, we had hit the third, motherbefore playing the third and I eat fruit, fruit is delicious, I saw my motherholding a fruit came into the room, I saw the sweet and fragrant fruit, mymouth has dropped in clothes.Mother looked at me and smiled, today is really happy.
3,And yesterday afternoon, I and my brother to go and play in the garden.My brother and I play in the garden pond water, do do we find the pondcarp do hungry, we want to feed the fish, but no fish feed in the pondanxiously to turn, after a period of time, we began to despair, a friendand his mother took a bag we had to feed the fish came up, and then weborrowed him fish feed to feed the fish, the fish feed just put in the pond,there are red, white, black, yellow fish together.We see such scenes of happy laughter.
4,his afternoon, I and my mother and brother to the small commodity market help cousin selected robot toy.We crossed the road to a toy store, the store has many toys, I and my brother's eyes shining with excitement, but her mother buy toys forcousin, this toy stores no cousin to the robot, over a period of time we have to many toy store, but toys the robot some expensive shop are cheaper, but cheap poor quality.Our feet are tired, finally bought a not cheap nor your robot. Then wewent home happily.
5,Yesterday in the morning, my father and mother and uncle, I went to my grandmother's house.Grandma's house in Jiangxi, far away we sit in his father's car to the home of Jiangxi.
On the way back to our family laughing unconsciously we came to LakeScenic street, toys, hats and other products on the street, we crossed the street scenery to the lake of buy a boat Pavilion, we can see the lakescenery, there is a small lake lake lake central.
When it was time to go, brother crying to buy toys, eventually no onebought him.
He sat in a sulk, over a period of time we got home, my grandma and grandpa are outside the US.I am pleased to say: "I finally arrived home."
翻译1,今天下午,我和妈妈在家里的阳台玩丢飞镖的游戏。 我和妈妈准备了一本本子来记录得分,开始丢飞镖了,我第一次得了零鸡蛋,第二次得了七分,妈妈第一次得了了分,第二次也得了零鸡蛋,我们俩一高一低不知不觉已经过去了一段时间,我和妈妈到最后一盘了我和妈妈都希望能赢对方,但也不一定能赢,最后我输了,妈妈赢了。我叹了口气,妈妈说:“不要灰心,下次再接再励。”我听完这番话也就高兴的笑了。 2,今天,我和妈妈在家里上网玩游戏。因为昨天没有闯第二关,所以我们今天还玩,我们了过好久才闯了第二关。我和妈妈说说笑笑,不知不觉已经五点了,我们已经打到了第三关了,在打第三关之前妈妈和我吃了水果,水果可好吃了,我看见妈妈端着水果来到房间,我一看是香甜又散发香味的水果,我的口水已经掉在衣服上了。妈妈看了看我,就笑了起来,今天过得真开心, 3,我和弟弟在花园的池塘边玩水,做着做着我们发现池塘的鲤鱼饿了,我们想喂鱼,可是没有鱼料就在池塘边焦急地转来转去,过了一段时间,我们开始绝望的时候,一个小朋友和他的妈妈拿着一包鱼料向我们走散走了过来,然后我们向他借了点鱼料来喂鱼,我们把鱼料刚放池塘里,有红的、白的、黑色、黄的鱼一齐拥了过来。
我们看到了这种场面高兴的笑了。 4,今天下午,我和妈妈还有弟弟到小商品市场帮表弟选机器人玩具。


我们的脚已经累了,终于买了一个不便宜也不贵的机器人。然后我们高高兴兴地回家了。 5,昨天早上我和爸爸妈妈还有叔叔、小弟去奶奶家。





, 我高兴地说:“我终于到了老家。”本回答被提问者采纳