


You taught me everything 你教会我所有的东西,

And everything you've given me 你给我的一切

I'll always keep it inside 我都会珍藏在内心深处。

You're the driving force in my life 你是我生命的动力。

There isn't anything 如果没有你,

Or anyone that I can be 就没有今天我的一切。

And it just wouldn't feel right 如果你不在我的身边。

If I didn't have you by my side 一切都不对劲。

You were there for me to love and care for me 你爱我,关心我,

When skies were grey 当天空乌云密布时候。

Whenever I was down 当我失意的时候,

You were always there 你总是在那里

To comfort me 给我安慰。

And no one else can be 在我生命中,

What you have been to me 没人能取代你的地位。

You'll always be 你永远是

You will always be the girl 我生命中

In my life for all times 最重要的女人。


i wish i could take back some things i said i wish i could make things better i wish i could take back some things i did everyday i'm feeling sadder i'm sorry, so sorry didn't mean to hurt you i'll borrow your sorrow it's my turn now to cry。



I'm sorry for never being there

For never being a true friend

I'm sorry I was never there

When you were in despair

I'm sorry for all the pain I caused

For every tear I made you cry

I'm sorry I made you worry about me

And for all the stupid lies

I'm sorry I ever cared for you

I'm sorry if I wasn't enough

I'm sorry for everything we've been through

I'm sorry I can't get over that stuff

I'm sorry I ever loved you

I'm sorry you were my whole world

I'm sorry I still can't get over you

I'm sorry for everything I did wrong

I'm sorry that I hate myself

I'm sorry I can't move on

I'm sorry I have all these regrets

I'm sorry I will never belong


A: I do beg your pardon for the mistake I've made.B: It's OK. That can happen to the rest of us.A:请您一定原谅我所犯的错误。

B:没关系,谁都会发生这种事情。A: Please excuse my careless words.B: It doesn't matter at all.A:请原谅我那些无心的话B:一点也没有关系A: Forgive me, I didn't mean to offend you.B: Never mind about that.A:对不起。


A: I'm sorry to have given you so much trouble.B: It's easy to say sorry, but who will make up for the loss?A:很抱歉给您带来这么大的麻烦。B:说声对不起容易,但谁来补偿损失?A: I'm awfully sorry. I didn't realize.B: To tell the truth, your apology can't be accepted.A:我真是抱歉没有意识到。



A: I do beg your pardon for the mistake I've made. B: It's OK. That can happen to the rest of us. A:请您一定原谅我所犯的错误。

B:没关系,谁都会发生这种事情。 A: Please excuse my careless words. B: It doesn't matter at all. A:请原谅我那些无心的话 B:一点也没有关系 A: Forgive me, I didn't mean to offend you. B: Never mind about that. A:对不起。

我不是有意要冒犯你的。 B:没关系。

A: I'm sorry to have given you so much trouble. B: It's easy to say sorry, but who will make up for the loss? A:很抱歉给您带来这么大的麻烦。 B:说声对不起容易,但谁来补偿损失? A: I'm awfully sorry. I didn't realize. B: To tell the truth, your apology can't be accepted. A:我真是抱歉没有意识到。



I'am so sorry for what i have done. (我为我做的事而感到对不起)

I'am sorry, please pardon me. (我很对不起,请原谅我)

I didn't mean to do/say(做/说) that. (说/做 这个事,我不是有意的)

I apologize (我道歉)

Please forgive me (请原谅我)

please give me one more chance (请再给我一次机会)
