
树莓派每次点击关机后拔下电源 再插上电源开机的时候就完全没有反应 显示器一直显示无视频输入 然后重新拔出sd卡安装系统再重新插入后又可以开机了 不是拔了电源再插上就可以正常开机么?难道要我每关一次机就要刷一次系统吗。。求各位大神解答

You’ll also need to make a small change to the config.txt file that Raspberry Pi uses when it boots.
Using a memory card reader on your desktop computer, insert the Raspberry Pi SD card and open config.txt in your preferred text editor.
Look for the following lines:
Both options need to be enabled, which you can do by removing the hash symbol and saving. These options enable VGA output through an HDMI adaptor and sets the screen resolution to a low 640 x 480.
If you want a higher resolution, remove the hash symbols from the following lines:
#hdmi_mode= 4
You will also need to edit these two lines, changing hdmi_group to 2 and hdmi_mode to 16. Remember to save your changes before safely removing and replacing in your Raspberry Pi.
第1个回答  2019-07-30
第2个回答  2017-01-12
同样问题 解决了吗?
第3个回答  2017-01-05