
也就是关于”SME Management”的外文文献,我手上有很多,但都是PDF格式,而且我自己英文太差,翻译过来太难了..

有没有达人帮我找一篇关于它的英文文献,然后译成中文,发到我邮箱里[email protected] 感激不尽!!



《Innovations in the distance development of SME management skills》
第1个回答  2010-05-06
第2个回答  2010-05-06
o()^))o 唉~~本来可以帮你的,我的放在学校了(ppt),我也在自学。我帮你找了个网页你去看看有用吗。就不奢求你的分了。。。http://www.bgglw.cn/?bdclkid=9w-_JaTf8MnYucgkfbxbPatdCV-K0gszsJ9FLxe181RP
第3个回答  2010-05-19


第4个回答  2010-05-24
China's SMEs are an important part of the national economy. However, as China's market economy to further accelerate the process, SMEs are facing many difficulties, especially SMEs financing issue has become difficult to control the survival and development of SMEs in the main obstacle. To solve the problem of financing SMEs, the SME to the financial management of the environment in which to study. Financial environment for small and medium enterprises, the financial management of the environment an important component of the financing of SMEs is the impact of the most important external environment, every business operators, should be seriously analyzed, his study of the financial environment in which enterprises. Financial environment is a country in a financial system, the impact of downgrading the main activities of the various financial elements of the collection. In China, the financial environment for SME financing constraints have a great role. China's financial environment of the status quo is imperfect, system is not perfect, small and medium enterprises in the financial markets it is difficult to obtain funds through indirect financing, but only solved the development of the necessary funds, enterprises can be a strength to construction projects, and develop production, Occupying the market and profit. Because there is no adequate financial support, business activities, if any, can not be carried out. Therefore research firm financial environment for SMEs has a very important significance.
In this paper, the first SME financial management of a financial environment were discussed. Second, the exposition of the financial environment on the impact of financial management. Third, analysis of the financial environment for SMEs in the status quo. Then analyzed the reasons for SME financing difficulties. Finally, improving the financial environment of the decision-making were discussed. Through this research with a view to contribute to the development of SMEs.

Keyword: financial environment for SME financing channels of state-owned banks