

注:斜体字为原来Mozilla之书中故意放大的单词 如果你使用的是Netscape Communicator 版本从1.1~4.8, 正是Netscape的黄金时代,超过80%的机器上都是网景的导航者, 那么Mozilla之书如下:
And the beast shall come forth surrounded by a roiling cloud of vengeance. The house of the unbelievers shall be razed and they shall be scorched to the earth. Their tags shall blink until the end of days.
from The Book of Mozilla, 12:10
注:巨兽指Netscape,异教徒指非Netscape用户,“闪烁”则可以指Netscape Navigator 3或以下的原始码检视器,或由Netscape引进、有争议性的HTML blink元素。 12:10指Netscape 1.0发布的日子:1994年12月10日。 Netscape 6.0绝对是一个失败的作品,姗姗来迟,而且Bug多多,但是作为第一个基于Gecko开放源代码之后的Netscape产品,Mozilla之书也随之而来:
And the beast shall be made legion. Its numbers shall be increased a thousand thousand fold. The din of a million keyboards like unto a great storm shall cover the earth, and the followers of Mammon shall tremble.
from The Book of Mozilla, 3:31
(Red Letter Edition)
---摘自 Mozilla之书,3:31
注:3:31这章节指的是1998年3月31日,即Netscape开放原始码的日期。“野兽变得无所不在”是指Netscape想藉著开放原始码,而吸引大量的开发者改善该软件(使“无数的键盘发出嘈杂的声音”)。“玛门”在闪语族中有财富、贪欲的意思。该字可见于英语版的圣经,有时是贪心的恶魔的名字。因此,有人认为“玛门”指的是微软。微软的Internet Explorer为当时Netscape的主要竞争者。而微软除了在雄厚的资金支持外,更贪婪地以此增加它的市场占有率。“红字版”可以是指红字版(red letter edition)的圣经,或者3月31日是Mozilla计划的“红字日”(red letter day)。 2003年AOL解雇了网景的开发人员,Mozilla组织也正式独立,这个纪念性的日子也写进了最新的Mozilla之书中:
And so at last the beast fell and the unbelievers rejoiced. But all was not lost, for from the ash rose a great bird. The bird gazed down upon the unbelievers and cast fire and thunder upon them. For the beast had been reborn with its strength renewed, and the followers of Mammon cowered in horror.
from The Book of Mozilla, 7:15
注:7:15这章节指的是2003年7月15日,即AOL把它的Netscape浏览器部门关闭和成立Mozilla基金会的日期。“野兽的没落”是指Netscape部门关闭。在“浴火重生的巨鸟”是指Phoenix(凤凰),即现时的Mozilla组织。从巨鸟掷出的火焰和闪电指代Mozilla Firebird(Firefox的前身)和Mozilla Thunderbird——Mozilla计划的旗舰产品。Mozilla基金会成立后,Netscape的理念在Mozilla基金会“重生”。基金会不再像从前一样那么依赖AOL,力量变得“更强”。而“玛门”指的则依然是微软。 And thus the Creator looked upon the beast reborn and saw that it was good.
from The Book of Mozilla, 8:20
然后造物者看着那野兽茁壮;他看那 野兽是好的。
来自Mozilla 之书, 8:20
注:8:20这章节指的是2006年8月20日,这是第一封提及研发下一版本的Netscape Navigator的可能性的内部邮件的发送日期。造物者指的是软件开发者,野兽则是指Mozilla的产品。 Mammon slept. And the beast reborn spread over the earth and its numbers grew legion. And they proclaimed the times and sacrificed crops unto the fire, with the cunning of foxes. And they built a new world in their own image as promised by the sacred words, and spoke of the beast with their children. Mammon awoke, and lo! it was naught but a follower.
from The Book of Mozilla, 11:9
(10th Edition)
来自 Mozilla 之书, 11:9
注:11:9这章节指的是2004年11月9日,为最早的Firefox 1.0官方正式发布的日子。其中“sacred words”是连到这里的连结,而“spoke”是连到这里的连结。
The twins of Mammon quarrelled. Their warring plunged the world into a new darkness, and the beast abhorred the darkness. So it began to move swiftly, and grew more powerful, and went forth and multiplied. And the beasts brought fire and light to the darkness.
from The Book of Mozilla, 15:1
来自 Mozilla 之书,15:1
注:2013年1月23日,此段出现在Mozilla主干代码库中[1],并最先出现于Firefox 21(Nightly版本)。玛门双子(twins of Mammon)指苹果公司和Google的移动操作系统iOS和Android,已经垄断了移动操作系统的市场。新的黑暗(new darkness)指传统应用商店的封闭性。野兽“迅速的”移动指Firefox新的快速发布周期。不断地前进和繁衍(went forth and multiplied)指Firefox已经推出了Firefox for Android和Firefox OS以面对新的挑战[2]。15:1章节指的是Firefox OS 1.0已进入了代码冻结阶段(2013年1月15日)。
