跪求好心人帮忙翻译下这段话,中式英语 语法错误 翻译软件的别来,要精准的英文翻译!

跪求好心人帮忙翻译下这段话,中式英语 语法错误 翻译软件的别来,要精准的英文翻译!( 这次到米兰比以往哪次都要更匆忙,幸运的是我们还是那么合拍,期待下次再和大家见面!谢谢Daniel和Catherine的全程周到安排!

This time we arrive in Milan much more hurriedly than any other time.Luckily, we still cooperate with each other so well. I am looking forward to meeting you again next time. Thank Daniel and Catherineso much for your considerate arrangement along the whole journey.
谢谢您的提问 望被采纳哦