

Describe something special you saved money to buy
You should say:
what it was
how long it took you to save enough money to buy it
why you wanted to buy it
and explain how you felt after you bought it
Today, I’d like to decribe something special I saved money to buy. It is an iPhone4s. You know,iPhone is very popular among the young people in China. Almost everyone knows it. Because I am a big fan of Steve Jobs.He was a genius and he changed this world compeletely.I really admire him. I am also an Apple holic.
Well. It took me 8 months to save up enough money to buy it.It costs me 5500 RMB. It costs me an arm and a leg.I can still remember during that 8 months, I often went to school with an empty stomach. I rarely pigged out with my friends in the restaurants... Though it was a little painful. I finally had enough money to buy my beloved iPhone.
About why I want to buy it. First, iPhone is beautifully designed and user-friendly. All my friends use iPhones.
It is also multi-functional.I can use it to do a lot of things,such as surfing the Internet; listening to the music;reading the map and even ordering the take-out.It is really amazing. And being a fan of Steve Jobs is another important reason.
About how I felt after I bought it. Well, I have to say I was really really happy. I felt I was the luckiest person in the whole world. I told all my friends the exciting news. I also decided to work hard in the future. So I can make a lot of money and buy the good things I like.
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