

第1个回答  2022-11-17
  1. in the future

  in the future意为“将来,一段时间之后的事”;in future意为“今后”,可解释为from now on,如:

  The little boy didn’t know what he would do in the future, but he did know that he wouldn’t talk with Bob in future because they had just had a big fight.


  2. fall  ***过去式:fell;过去分词:fallen***

  fall down  跌倒, 例如: He fell down to the ground.

  fall in love with  爱上某人或某物, 例如: He fell in love with her.

  fall into  掉入, 例如:He fell into the river.

  fall onto 跌倒在…之上, 例如: He fell onto the ground from his bike.

  fall off  从…跌落下来, 例如: He fell off his bicycle.

  3. talk 的用法

  talk about sth. 意思是“谈论某事”, 例如:

  Now let’s talk about your homework. 现在我们来谈谈你的作业。

  talk with *** . 意思是“和某人交谈”, 例如:

  My mother is talking with my English teacher. 我妈妈在和我的英语老师交谈。

  talk to *** .意思是“对某人谈”, 例如:

  The teacher is talking to the students. 老师在对学生们谈话。

  talk over sth.作“讨论某事”解,宾语是代词时须位于副词over之前, 例如:

  They talked over the matter at table.他们吃饭时讨论了这个问题。

  give a talk意思是“作一个报告”

  注意要表示 “告诉某人某事”时,须用tell *** . about sth.这样的结构。

  4. argue with *** 和discuss

  argue 重在就自己的看法、立场提出论证说理,以说服他人。

  而 discuss 重在交换意见,进行讨论,不含有意说服对方的成分, 如:

  I argued with him for a long time,but he refused to listen to reason.


  The women were discussing hats. 女人们在谈论帽子。


  argue on / about sth. 就…进行辩论

  argue with *** .about sth.就某事与某人一起辩论

  5. enough “足够的,充足的”


  be+ adj.+enough to do sth.的句型,意为“足以能……”,如:

  She has drunk enough water/water enough. 她已经喝了足够的水。

  I'm strong enough for this work. 我够强壮,足以能胜任这项工作。

  The boy is not old enough to go to school. 这孩子不够上学的年龄。

  He runs fast enough. No one can catch up with him. 他跑得足够的快。没人能赶得上他。


  The man never has enough. 这个人永远不知足。

  I've had enough,thank you. 我吃饱了,谢谢。

  6. find, find out和look for


  Jim couldn’t find his hat.吉姆找不着帽子了。

  I can't find my book.我找不到我的书。

  look for意为“找,寻找”是持续性动词,强调动作,不表示结果,如:

  She is looking for her son.她正在找她的儿子。

  I’m looking for my watch. 我正在寻找我的手表。

  比较:He can’t find his pen. 他找不到他的钢笔了。

  --- What are you looking for? 你在干什么?

  --- I’m looking for my maths book. I can’t find it. 我正找我的数学书,我找不到了。

  find out作经过打听,询问 后搞清楚,弄明白。或指“查明”的动作,“经过调查”发现,查明真相,如:

  I can find out the truth of the fact. 我能查出事实的真相。

  7. be angry with *** ;be angry at sth

  ***1***表示“对某人生气”,可以说 be/get/bee angry with *** .

  也可说be/get/bee angry at *** .



  Mother got angry at***with***me only because I had broken a precious cup.


  I was very***rather***angry at what he said.我对他所说的话非常生气。

  ***2***表示“因某事生气”,可说be/get/bee angry at sth.

  也可说be/get/bee angry about sth.


  He was angry at***about***what I said.他对我所说的感到生气。

  She was angry at being kept waiting.她因别人让她久候而生气。

  8. on the tree和in the tree


  in the tree通常表示所提物体不是树上长出来的,而是挂在、落在或是停歇在树上,如:

  The birds are singing in the trees. 鸟在树上唱歌。

  The child is staying in the tree. 小孩呆在树上。

  on the tree通常表示所提物体是树上长出来的部分,如:

  They are busy picking the apples on the trees. 他们正忙着摘树上的苹果。

  There aren’t many oranges on the tree. 这棵树上桔子不多。

  9. the same… as 同……一样的


  adj. 同一的,相同的,如:

  Meet me at the same time tomorrow. 明天的这个时间和我见面。

  pron. 同样的事物,如:

  I would do the same again. 我愿意重做一次。

  the same…as 同……一样的,表示与as后的事物很相像,但并不是同一个,如:

  Your pen is the same as mine. 你的钢笔和我的一样。

  the same … that = one and the same 同……一样的,表示与as后的事物完全一致,完全一样,如:

  He was wearing the same shirt ***that*** he'd on the day before.

  他穿的那件衬衫, 是他前一天穿过的同一件衬衫。

  I went out the same way ***that*** I'd got in. 我顺着进来的原路出去了。

  10. help with+n. = help *** . ***to*** do sth. 帮助某人做某事,如:

  He often helps me with my English.= He often helps me to study English.


  11. bored 和boring.

  bored 表示被动的含义,例如:

  I feel bored about it. 它使我感到乏味。

  boring 表示主动的含义,例如:

  It is very boring to study English. 学习英语很无聊。

  12. surprise 动词“使惊奇”,如:You surprise me! 你吓了我一跳!

  ***1***surprise 还可以作为名词“惊奇,吃惊”;“可惊的事情, 意外的事情”。作为“令人吃惊的事情,意外的事情”是可数名词,如:

  What a surprise! 多么令人吃惊的事!

  Don't tell him about the present — it's a surprise.


  ***2***surprising 形容词“令人吃惊的”,表示主动的含义,如:

  They have heard the surprising news. 他们听到了那惊人的讯息。

  ***3***surprised  形容词“感到惊讶的”,表示被动的含义,如:

  I am surprised at you. 我对你的举动感到诧异。

  ***4***to one's surprise 使某人非常惊奇的是,如:

  To my surprise,I found him sing well. 使我吃惊的是他歌唱得很好。
  二. 重点结构
  There be 结构变形:在there be结构中还可把be改变从而使得there be结构有了一些改变,具体总结如下:

  1. There used/seem/happen/appear to be,如:

  There might be snow at night. 晚上可能有雪。

  There appeared to be nobody willing to help. 看来没人愿意帮忙。

  There used to be a building here. 过去这儿有一座楼房。

  There happened to be a man walking by. 碰巧有个人在此经过。

  There doesn't seem to be much hope. 好像没有太大的希望。

  2. 在there be的be前还可以加上各种情态词,如:

  There must be something wrong.     一定有问题。

  There ought not to be so many people. 不应该有这么多的人。

  There might still be hope.       可能还有点希望。

  3. 特殊的表达方式:

  ***1***There is no sense in doing.       做某事是没有用的,没有意义的

  There is no sense in making him angry. 跟他生气是没有用的。

  There in no sense in going alone.    一个人去是没有好处的。

  ***2***There is no need to do.           没有必要做某事

  There is no need to worry.          没有必要担心。

  There is no need to give him so much money. 根本没有必要给他那么多的钱。

  ***3***There is thought/said/reported to be 人们认为有/据说有/据报道有

  There is reported to be a better way to cure cancer.


  ***4***There is no doing***口语***不可能…….

  There is no telling when he will be back. 无法知道他什么时候回来。

  There is no knowing what he is doing.   无法知道他在做什么。