on this occasion什么意思?


1. [C] particular time ( at which an event takes place )
on this / that occasion 此时 / 彼时
on the present occasion 在这次
on one occasion = once 有一次
on rare occasions 偶尔
e.g I’ve met him on several occasions. 我见过他几次。
I was not at home on that occasion. 那时我正好不在家。
I only wear a tie on special occasions. 我只在特殊场合才打领带。
On one occasion he even rang me in the middle of the night. 有一次他甚至在午夜给我打电话。
On this occasion, as it happens, the engine started immediately.
2. suitable time for sth. opportunity 时机;机会
You should go there if the occasion arises. 如果有机会,你应当到那里去。
He used the occasion to express his gratitude. 他利用那机会表达了感激之情。
3. [ C ] special event or celebration 特殊的事件或庆典
The wedding was quite an occasion. 该婚礼是一盛会。
4. [ U ] 原因;理由;需要
I’ve had no occasion to visit him recently. 我最近无需去看他。
You have no occasion to be angry. 你没有理由生气。
There was no occasion to be so rude. 没有理由这样粗鲁。

5. 习语
a sense of occasion 场合意识

on occasion(s) 偶尔;必要时
on the occasion of her daughter’s wedding 在她女儿的婚礼上
e.g. He wore shabbiest clothes to the party: he hads no sense of occasion.
He has even been known to go shopping himself on occasion.