初中英语作文 民族英雄

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national heros always have marvellous reputations, after died miserablly. they died by a lot of reasons. some were killed because their emperors were too?afraid of the powers they had, some because their enemies bribed to the nation traitors, often who have had a great wealth or?a powerful authority. this is a nation that is like producing traitors overwhelmingly every time on a very dangerious situation, and quite often, heros are mistakenly treated as traitors but peple who really betrayed the fate of this nation, because of their ruling powers, are seen as the savior.

i shall admit there are some implication as a clue of history, to mirror what will happen repetitiously over and over again. heros are respectable, famous, and admired. without them, this nation should have gone through more sufferrings. they deserve what they own. however, tracking of our shameless history ,what to be noted is that ?noboy else but ourselves torture our heros, mistreated thier beloved, and even eradicated the origins of theirs. although hundreds of years later, they gained back their reputations, and if lucky, maybe they could get some statues, biographies or whatever else, one truth can't be denied. they were put in an extremely painful life, and so were their families and friends, for what these heros contributed to our nation's future, and what they devoted their lives to protect. what can be concluded from it? if there r some potential heros around u, stay away from him or her, coz though we know we must show our respect to them, they are most likely to be a tragedy, which also causes people care about them to pay for the price.

it's ironical, isn't it? this nation never stops calling for more heros desperately,in a name of protecting its people, but what i'm more interested in is, what the people do to the heros, when they are alive? if heros are the role models of most people of this nation, then how come heros are still so needed by us, especially when we shout out, justicely and loudly, that there must be someone else standing out to be heros. and if they don't wanna be heros, they gotta think about the outcomes that the entire nation curses them as wusses, humiliating them afterwards. but curiously, next time they'll still ask for someone else again to sacrifice their lives to defend the benefits of the nation( or the benefits of some). why don't u be then? or at least, why don't u, the nation people, protect the heros when they need u. when the emperors threaten ur heros, why didn't u overthrow the empire, instead u gave in the throne?when you know who betrayed the nation to sell off ur heros, just because of their powers, u gave in again?

the truth is, this nation grants the greatest hornor to heros, when it needs them. once heros lost their auras, or the public has to pay, heros begin sufferring. and what is hidden in the heart of most of people is, they want the rest to pursue the hornor of being a hero, but they themselves are more addicted into another thing---power. such people deem themselves 'wiser'.

we are saying this nation is great, sorry, it's a no. most of great genes of this nation have been eliminated by oursleves, in three thousand years' grand history, dynasty after dynastry, one generation after one.
第1个回答  2010-06-06
Qi Jiguang was a Chinese military general and national hero during the Ming Dynasty. He was best remembered for his courage and leadership in the fight against Japanese pirates along the east coast of China, as well as his reinforcement work on the Great Wall of China
According to legends, a kind of hard pancake called guang bing which is still widely consumed in Fujian province today was named after Qi Jiguang. When Qi Jiguang led his troops into Fujian in 1562, the Japanese pirates, fearing his name, engaged mainly in guerrilla-style battles. To enable Qi Jiguang's troops to march for days in pursuit of the enemy, the people of Fujian baked for them many disc-shaped cakes roughly the size of a palm. In the center of these cakes holes were made so that they could be strung together to be conveniently carried along. Later, to commemorate Qi Jiguang's victory against the pirate raiders, the cakes were named guang bing.
第2个回答  2010-06-15

nimabi  kaoninainai  nigebendanshabihongqiu
