to 后面什么时候跟do什么时候跟doing ??

我知道当to做介词的时候后面+ing 做不定式时+do,请大家给我列举高中常见的to 做介词后面+doing形式的词组 越多越好~~~谢谢了~~~急用~~~

[学者] 可以用作介词,而介词后只能跟名词代词或动名词。这是由词性决定的。 可以用作不定式符号,后跟一原形动词构成一个带to的不定式。
3.要记住一些常见的动词后跟to do 不定式的和to作介词的用法就可以了.如(1)would liketo do,deserve to do,refuse to do,try to do,seem to do,happen to do,have time/a chance to do......
(2)look forward to,make a contribution to,give birth to,be/get used to.....
3.有一部分单词是既能跟动名词,也能跟动词不定式,比如 :
be used to doing sth 被用来做某事 如A pen is used writing.
be used to do sth 被用来去做某事如The pen is used to kill the bird.
aspire to doing sth 渴望做某事
aspire to do sth 渴望去做某事
contribute to doing sth
contribute to do sth 都是“为做某事出力”的意思 而在
make a contribution to 后当然只能是(doing )sth
第1个回答  2014-01-03
to do 是不定式,可以表目的,to不是介词
to doing中to是介词,to后加doing的一般都是些要熟记的词组,如be used to doingdevote doingstick to doingkeep to doinglook forward to doing...
第2个回答  2018-01-21
be used to do被用来做
be used to doing习惯做某事
used to do过去常常做某事
第3个回答  2014-01-03
be/get/become used to 习惯于 I have been used to getting up early.我已习惯早起。
be given to 沉溺于 She is given to drinking.他爱喝酒。
be related to和…有联系…. His fear of people is deeply related to his unhappy childhood. 他对人的畏惧和他不幸的孩提时代有着密切的关系。
be addicted to沉溺于…对…上瘾.She is addictaded to drugs.他吸毒成隐瘾。
be opposed to 反对 She is strongly opposed to their plan.他强烈反对他们的计划。
devote oneself to献身于 … She devoted herself to tennis in her teens.
be devoted to 献身于,忠诚于,爱…She is devoted to here husband.他挚爱他的丈夫。
be admitted to被…录取 , 准进入 Li Ming is admitted to Beijing University.李明被北大录取。 Children under 18 are not admitted to the film.
be reduced to沦为 He was reduced to begging in the street.他沦为沿街乞。.
reduce… to 使…沦为. Hunger reduced him to stealing.饥饿使他沦为盗贼。
be attached to附属于,爱慕,爱恋,敬仰The middle school is attached toQing hua University。这是清华附中。
be adjusted to 适应 She was soon adjusted to his way of life
adjust to适应 She soon adjusted to his way of life.
adsjust onself to 使…适应She soon adjusted herself to his way of life
be adapted to适应 He is quickly adapted to a new circumstances. 他很快适应新环境。
adapt oneself to 适应 He is quick to adapt himself to a new circumstances
be known to为…所知As is known to all,paper was first made in China.
be married to和…结婚 Tom has been married to Mary for 10 years.
be sentenced to被判处He was sentenced to 10rears in prison.
be connected to和…连在一起 I was connected to the wrong person.
be exposed to 暴露于/遭受/接触… The bicycle was exposed to the rain and wind. 那辆自行车任由风吹雨打。
I’ve been exposed to English for 20years. 我学英语已经20年了。
be compared to被比喻成 Teachers are often compared to candles.