我的家乡发生了什么变化的英语作文带翻译 急用!!!!!!!!

以前我家下面是是田 土 现在正在修大马路 很多人家都有了自己的小车 生活条件提高了许多 现在看的是液晶电视机 用的是电脑 以前没有电脑 看的是那种老式电视机

I'm quite proud of that my hometown greatly changed. Replaced with boulevard,dirt roads and fields can be barely seen now. At the same time,we live a better life.Families increasingly own their private cars.Also,we do not watch the old television any more,instead,varieties of LCD TV come in.To my joy,there were no tourists here,bringing a feeling of ease and comfort.
第1个回答  2014-08-31
第2个回答  2014-08-31
my home town have changed a lot追问
