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Bi Feiyu: To Communicate Wholeheartedly with Characters in Novel

Bi Feiyu is a somewhat distinctive writer, who insists on not using mobile phone in the electronic periods and the information society today. In the eyes of others, he is just deliberately highlighting his personality. However, he denies this kind of view. The reason is that his daily life is stable with regular routine. Moreover, he is almost at home everyday. There is landline phone at home and no requirement for mobile phone. Bi Feiyu is possessed with this kind of humorous and witty temperament. He usually uses very few gestures when talks with others. In his slow voices there are always stories that make people can not help laughing.
More then ten years ago, if the name of Bi Feiyu was mentioned, people might feel a little strange. The original author of film Shanghai Triad directed by Zhang Yimou and the TV play Qing Yi (a young or middle-aged female character type in Chinese operas) which once created a sensation is just him. Some people say that he should fry himself red by virtue of reputation of Zhang Yimou at that time. However, he did not. His ideal was to establish his position in the literary world. Over the years, by the virtue of his abilities, Bi Feiyu has written the stories like Panic Figures, Ancestors and novels like Qing Yi, Maize and Plain. He has published collected works in 4 volumes and gotten the awards of First Lu Xun Literary Prize, Fengmu Literary Prize and First Chinese Novel Academy Award and so on. Especially the full-length novel Massage published recently has attracted extensive attention of the literary world.
Bi Feiyu, by virtue of full-length novel Maize, won the award of Forth Man Asian Literary Prize issued in Hong Kong on 17th, March, 2011. He is the third Chinese author to win this award after Jiang Rong and Su Tong. This young literary prize has been granted for four times. However, this award is granted for the first time to the published English translation work (Maize in English version translated collaboratively by US famous translator Howard Gol dbl att and his wife Syl via Lin). The Maize narrates stories of three sisters in the Cultural Revolution. The jury has appraised “Vividly explore the Chinese families in cultural revolutions and country life. Through the interlocking stories of family conflicts and love, display the features of individual and society. ”
Qing Yi is a quite influential novella and one of the most important works written elaborately by Bi Feiyu. This novel won the best Novella Prize in 2002. Afterwards, it was recomposed as TV play series and hot broadcasted on TV. Bi Feiyu indicates that during the period of writing Xiao Yanqiu in Qing Yi, he did not recognize any Beijing opera actor and always could not master very well this character. Later under the assistance of his friend, he found a retired actress of more than seventy years old in Jiangsu Opera House. While the actress was speaking, she was striking the surface of table, like beating the rhythm with eyes full of vitality. One hour later, he found the feeling and knew the direction toward which he made the effort to mould this character. In his subsequent creation, the smart Bi Feiyu deeply understood these things, described specifically and completed this fresh and vivid character image of Xiao Yanqiu. People who have read Qing Yi can profoundly feel the vitality in this novel and seen the rallying point of Bi Feiyu. He only pays attention on two points, man and woman; only two events, happiness and misfortune; two things, disposition and destiny. Bi Feiyu realized his creation aspiration through character image. The tragedy of Xiao Yanqiu was the tragedy of dispositions and fate, the times and humanity. That kind of depression, pain, unwillingness, powerless but struggling and the tragic ending of not giving up until hope has gone have left deep and long impression to people.   Bi Feiyu has very deep origin with education as well. His father was once a teacher and the same case was with his mother and two sisters. He graduated from Yangzhou Normal College and had educated for 5 years. Until today, his wife is still a teacher. The dense education atmosphere has influenced him significantly. After graduating from college in that time, he taught in Nanjing Special Education Normal School for 5 years. It was a normal school to cultivate teachers for special education. Many years passed. However, up until today when he reminds of the feelings of seeing blind people, he can still be moved. When he talks of scores of the blind standing in front of him for the first time in his life and all of them are around 10 years old, his visual sense is extreme uncomfortable. After meeting that time, Bi Feiyu was very sad back to his room. He can not become calm until several days passed. In very long time afterwards, he did not want to go to schools of the blind and deaf.
He is always passionate for fitness. In 2001, his muscle was injured because of excessive exercise. Under recommendation of his friend, he received adjuvant therapy in the massage room in the blind asylum. After more than one month, he recovered, though he had made many blind friends. He found making friends with the blind was not so sad like imagined. Instead, it was very relax and happy. Their calm, pure and natural life attitude even can not be compared by many sound people. Initially, Bi Feiyu did not know the fact that some of the blind can not bear kids for the reasons of inheritance. Once in a chatting, he asked randomly when they bore kids. The other person explained frankly that their disability is for the reason of gene. Therefore, they did not plan to bear kids. When he spoke, that kind of calm expression was without any sadness as imagined.
It was in the April of last year that Bi Feiyu decided to write the novel of Massage. In the eyes of Bi Feiyu, the life in the darkness is hard to predict and life of the blind is kind of similar to that in the internet. When the sound people require and they will start up the computer, the blind will become specific. When close down it , the blind will walk into virtue space naturally. When he wrote Massage, he can only enter their world by imagination. Therefore, above 90% stories and details were in fiction. However, during the contact with the blind, one thing that can not make Bi Feiyu understand is that the blind is very care about looks of the other one when they are seeking for marriage partners. Why do they care about the looks? Even they are much more particular than the sound people. When they spoke of their girl or boy friend, they always did not forget to ask :"Is he or she beautiful?". Words like that make Bi Feiyu very confused. He could not help asking:" How do you pay so much attention on looks?” Unexpectedly, they relied: “Of course. Who does not love beauty?” Therefore, in Massage, Bi Feiyu has used one chapter to write how the blind pursue beauty. The blind care about beauty and looks of the opposite sex. Bi Feiyu would like to regard that to be an enthusiasm for life. As regards the blind, Bi Feiyu has some additional impressions about them. The first one is that their requirement for life is very low and subsistence is enough. The second one is that anyone of them does not want to be controlled and they all want to be bosses. The third one is that they do not believe in the outside world. The forth one is that their self-esteem is much stronger than ordinary people.   The Maize under Bi Feiyu'pen not only wins highly evaluation in the Chinese literary circles, but also is very popular in France. The novel, through narration of the fate of a country maiden who is related to the gain and loss of right, reveals the corrosion of right to people in barren times. In the novel, the reader can see the Maize, calculating, calm and composed, adept at scheming and are deliberately planning for everything. She is like a wise chess player. Each step she walks conceals the intention to kill.
Other works like Home is in Disorder, Good Story and Buddy have just written out the aspect of hideousness of humanity and vulgar. Especially, Yu Tian li De Mianhuatang( which means Cotton Candy in Rainy Day ) vividly writes out the sufferings and frustration, bitter sweetness and confusion in the heart of people.
Though Bi Feiyu shapes every character so successful and authentic, unbelievable feeling always shows unintentionally when he chats with his friends. He is afraid of the character under his pen. He thinks that good characters can be regarded as a half relative to the writer. However, it can be only a half, because the creator, Bi Feiyu, of these characters speaks frankly that he is afraid of them. In reality, Bi Feiyu is not afraid of any people. However, he is afraid of characters in his works. He is afraid of these people, like Xiao Yanqiu in Qing Yi, Maize in Maize and Duan Fang, San Ya in Plain. They are all awe-inspiring, especially Xiao Yanqiu in Qing Yi. Bi Feiyu indicates that he does not dare to confront this character and he does not even know her appearances until he finishes it. He replied that he was unwilling to describe portrait and he wanted to communicate heartedly with character in the novel, but not confront them face to face.追问



