
Housed in the centuries-old circular building that was once Paris’s stock exchange, his new museum, known as the Bourse de Commerce-Collection Pinault (14 euros admission),was renovated by the Japanese architect Tadao Ando and containsworks from Mr. Pinault’s vast holdings in contemporary art, including Sigmar Polke canvases, Dan Flavin lighting tubes and Urs Fischer sculpture.

我想知道这句话的语法分析 前面的housed in the是什么成分? was renovated是 谓语,主语又是谁?

His new museum was renovatd by Tadao Ando and contains works. 剩余的成分基本上都是修饰主句中的某一个部分。假如把句子全部改写为(简单句),比较容易理解:
A:His new museum is housed in the centuries-old circular building.
B:The centuries-old circular building was once Paris's stock exchange.
C:His new museum was known as the Bourse de Commerce-Collection Pinault (14 Euros Admission)
D:His new museum was renovated by the Japanese architech Tadao Ando.
E:His new museum contains works from Mr. Pinault's vast holdings in contemporary art.
F:Mr. Pinault's vast holdings in contemporary art includes Sigmar Polke canvases, Dan Flavin lighting tubes and Urs Fischer sculptur.
主语 = his museum
谓语 = was renovated(一般过去时被动语态),和 contains(一般现在时)
宾语 = was renovated 没有宾语,contains 的宾语是 works
Housed in the
centuries-old circular building that was once Paris's stock exchange,
his new museum, known as the Bourse de Commerce-Collection Pinault (14 Euros Admission),was renovated by the Japanese architect Tadao Ando and
contains works from Mr. Pinault's vast holdings in contemporary art,
including Sigmar Polke canvases, Dan Flavin lighting tubes and Urs
Fischer sculpture.

由 housed 引导的短语为(过去分词短语)在句中充当(定语),修饰主语 his museum,表明 his museum 的地点位置,其中夹带了一个由 that 引导的(定语从句)修饰 building。句子可以改写为:His museum (which is) housed in the centuries-old circular building (that was once Paris's stock exchange) was known as the Bourse de Commerce-Collection Pinault.
此时的 housed,还是定语,仅仅是定语从句结构变成了定语结构,修饰 museum,会被看作是非限制性后置定语修饰 museum,而原句只是把这个非限制性后置定语提到了句首,因为句子后面又跟着由 known 引导的短语,为了避免 his museum 后面的修饰词太长,太多,太复杂,把 housed 短语移到了 his museum 的前面,保留了由 known 引导的短语。。。。所以句子是:(housed ......), his new museum, (known ........), was renovated by the Japanese architech (Tadao Ando) and contains works (from Mr. Pinault' vast holdings in contemporary, including Sigmar Polke canvases, Dan Flavin lighting tubes and Urs Fischer sculpture.)