

Walter O'Brien
Walter O'Brien (born 24 February 1975[1]) is an Irish businessman, information technologist, executive producer, and media personality who is the founder and CEO of Scorpion Computer Services, Inc. He is also the inspiration for and executive producer of the CBS television series, Scorpion.[2][3] He is known for having a self-reported high IQ and for his claims to have hacked NASA at age 13. The authenticity of his claims has been the subject of speculation in the press.

一家称作 天蝎 的电脑科技公司CEO 据说上小学的时候,老师帮他做智商测试 IQ 197, 但本人说并没有保存当时测试的成绩单。而本人多年来也有意或者有意的错过多次官方正式的智商测试来证明自己,上大学的时候,主修的是计算机科学专业 并获得学士学位。不过据查,他的成绩只属于中等以上,并无特别天才的表现。本人解释说:没有足够的兴趣! 他本人也参与了 天蝎 剧集的制作,不过影视作品都会有虚构成分,仅供娱乐而已。