

1."可以给你便宜一点"。“I can give you a little cheaper.”
2."这个已经是最低价了,不能再给你便宜了."我想这句话可以说的委婉点“Sorry, this is already the lowest price, please forgive me, I can not give you cheap”
3.“你想多少钱要?”“How much do you want?”
4."想要的话你再加一下.""Add a little and you can take it."
1.“这件商品质量好,这个价格不会贵!”“This product is good quality, the price will not be expensive!”
2.“这件商品的价格是很合理的!”“This product is a very reasonable price!”
3.“我是不会骗你的,这件商品真的是又好又便宜。”“I will not deceive you, this is really good and cheap goods。”
4.“你先别走,我们在商量商量.”“You do not go first, we talk a while.”
第1个回答  2010-07-16
可以给你便宜一点 I can offer you a lower price

这个已经是最低价了,不能再给你便宜了 This is the best/lowest price I can offer, I won't go any lower.

你想多少钱要 How much are you willing to pay / how much will you pay (for this)

想要的话你再加一下 You'll have to pay more if you want it / pay more and it's yours
第2个回答  2010-07-16
I can cut you a break.可以给你便宜一点。
It's the best price I can offer. Can't reduce any more.这个已经是最低价了,不能再给你便宜了。
What's your price?你想多少钱要.
Add more and you can take it.想要的话你再加一下。