


Why don't wear school uniforms?

Recently, many people think that students should not wear school uniforms, because it does not display(展现) our individuality(个性). However, in my opinion, it is necessary(必要的) for students to wear school uniforms.

Firstly, the school uniforms are loose yet comfortable(宽松舒适)and suitable for excercise(方便运动)。We can wear the uniforms running freely on the playground without any danger(危险).Secondly, the school uniform looks plain(简单朴素)and suits(符合) a student's dressing standard(穿着标准), additionally(并且)wearing uniforms may prevent(防止) the comparing phenomenon(攀比现象)。Thirdly,it's rather(相当) neat and good-looking(整齐美观) if all the students wear the school uniforms。Fourthly, it also represents(代表) yourself as a student, provides convenience(提供方便)while in trouble(遇到困难时)。Lastly, the school uniform is a valuable(有价值的) thing that you can keep it as a memento(纪念品) after graduating(毕业)。

Our school is therefore(因此,而) beautified(美化) because of us. And as uniforms make our youth(青春)colourful(多彩的), as a student, why dont we wear shool uniforms?
第1个回答  2010-06-24
Why not wear the school? recently, there are many people think that students shouldn't wear school uniforms, because that can't show off our personality. however, in my opinion, is necessary to wear school uniform. first, a comfortable and convenient for action. we can wear school uniforms in the playground to run and will not be any problem. secondly, the school uniform, simple and conforms to a student in school, and may prevent students keep up with each other. the third if all the students


第2个回答  2010-06-24
Why Don't We Wear School Uniforms?
Recently many students don't want to wear school uniforms,for the school uniforms can't show their personalities,they think.In my view,it's necessary for students to wear uniforms.
First of all,school uniforms wear comfortable.They are good for running,and we can do some running on the playground freely our school uniforms.Second,they are in simple style and cheap,and they are suitable for us students.Third,students in uniforms make a good view.Fourth,wearing school uniforms means that you are students.Last but not least,school uniforms are valuable,you can keep them forever.
Students,thanks to the uniforms,our school is beautiful ,and our life is colourful.Let's wear our uniforms to show ourselves.