


Last Sunday, a fire broke out in a building near my house. Some peopleeven the stairs are not rushed down, the results fell. Fortunately, the firemenarrived on time and make the greatest efforts to rescue people in danger.They let the frightened people calm down and soon took control of chaos.Relying on their professional knowledge of the fire, firefighters quickly to prevent the spread of fire. Then, they continue to rescue people trapped in the fire. A woman was having a baby will not hurt. Thanks to their help, the fire was finally extinguished. Since everybody is out of danger, people havesome exciting.追问



人工翻译的 不是有道

第1个回答  2014-03-27
Last Sunday, my family have taken place in a building near the fire. Some people even watch rushed down the stairs, the results fell down. Fortunately, the firemen arrived on time and try my best to rescue people at risk. They quickly get frightened people calm down and to control the chaos. Rely on their professional knowledge of fire, firefighters quickly to prevent the fire from spreading. Then they continue to rescue people trapped in the fire. A woman was about to have children also was not injured. With their help, the fire was put out in the end. Since everyone's escape, people are encouraging.追问





有道 老师一看就知道了,我也不用求人工了



第2个回答  2014-03-27
A building next to my house caught a fire last Sunday. Some people fell when rushing downstairs. Luckily, firemen came in time and saved people in danger as hard as possible. They calmed down the panicked people and got the chaotic situation controlled. The firemen stopped the fire from spreading soon with their expertise. Right after that, they rescued people trapped in the fire, securing a pregnant woman unhurt. the fire was finally put out with their help. people were somewhat inspired when they were out of the danger.追问

