.谁帮我写一篇水浒传的英文读后感.英文!谢。200字,语言幼稚一点,我初中生如题 谢谢了

.200字 流水帐也好的哈! 语言幼稚点好 ,!

第1个回答  2014-08-20
One of the four classic "Water Margin" I've finally Ken Wan, and good hard work! However, I finally understand a lot of truth. Needless to say, and the small cyclones Chai Jin Song Jiang's generous in aiding needy, not to mention the beautiful Drunken Wu Song Wu resourceful use. One said Li Kui innocent, he has quite wild, a farmer and unemployed You were reckless habits, at every turn firing, failing to ask indiscriminate, always a curse, said second three attacks. the result is not a disadvantage is that regret, but there is "not obscene wealth, humble, not moving force can bend" of the spirit, the most important thing is he who has a heroism, there is a willing brother Liangleichadao's generous attempts, his point I am particularly moved. I think we are in daily life for friends and relatives stripped of one family, stripped of one child buddy friendship. Our society is very natural stripped love, a love of the important - a concern. For care, may only need a simple greeting or a smile can make people smile, people feel like the mother on care. Do not be too mean, a greeting, a smile will not let you lose anything, only let your personality and soul.本回答被提问者采纳