

A.B. C.D. E.
1.________ 2.________ 3._________ 4.___________ 5.__________
二、听句子,选择相应的答句.(5分, 每小题1分)
( ) 1. A. I’m Lucy. B. Thank you. C. I’m fine.
( ) 2. A. It’s a pen. B. They’re chairs. C. It’s green.
( ) 3. A. Fine. B. Thank you. C. Yes.
( ) 4. A. I can dance. B. Yes, I like. C. Swimming.
( ) 5. A. I’m fourteen. B. I’m a student. C. I’m fine.
三、听小对话回答问题.(10分, 每小题2分)
( ) 1. Where is the coat?
A. Under the table. B. Under the desk. C. On the bed.
( ) 2. What colour is Mary’s car?
A. It’s black. B. It’s white. C. It’s green.
( ) 3. What’s Lucy’s father’s favourite food?
A. Noodles. B. Rice. C. Fish.
( ) 4. How many boys are there in Lingling’s class?
A. 24 B. 25 C. 40
( ) 5. What’s Tony’s father’s job?
A. A doctor. B. A manager. C. A worker.
一、单项填空。(10分, 每小题1分)
——Nice to meet you. ——___________
A. How are you? B. Fine. C. Nice to meet you, too. D. Good morning.
.There________ a book and three pens on the desk.
A is B.are C.have D has
What’s the weather like _____ winter ______ Jiaxing?
A. in, in B. in , on C. on , at D. in, at
David Beckham likes playing ________ football.
A. the B. a C. 不填 D. an
________ you like computer games?
A. Do B. Are C. Is D. Does
I can’t swim, _____ I can run.
A.and B. but C. or D. so
You _____ a teacher. I _____ a student. He _____ a student, too.
A. am, is, are B. is, are, am C. are, am, is D. are, is, is
Are there ______ flowers near the river?
A. any B. some C. no D. not
( )9. I ______got a brother.He______ got a dog.
A.have , has B.has , have C am , is D.have , is
( )10. These are ________.
A. apples trees B. apple tree
C. apples tree D. apple trees
二、情景对话, 从以下7个选项中选出正确的选项,完成对话,有多余的选项(10分, 每小题2分)
A.Have you got any photos of your school and your new friends?
B. Who ‘s your best friend?
C. Have your got any new friends?
D. where’s your house and how do you go to school ?
E. Do you often play sports?
F. How many student are there in your class?
G. How many people are there in your family?
A: Tony,where’s your school in China?
B: My school is in Beijing ,and I study in No3 Middle School
A: (1) _
B: There are twenty-two students in my class..
A: (2) _
B: Yes.Daming and Ling Ling are my new friends.
A:(3) _
B:Yes .We often play football after school.
A:(4) _
B:My house is next to my school,and I often walk to school.
A:(5) _
B:Yes.I can send an email to you,and you can see photos of my school and my new frends.
A:Thanks a lot .
B: You’re welcome.

三、完型填空(10分, 每小题1分)
This is Ann. She’s __1____ America. Her __2__ name is Smith. She is 19. Her father is a _3___. His name is Harry Smith. He works in a middle school. Mrs. Smith is a doctor. She works in a ___4__.
Ann is now in __5__. She studies in Tianjin University. She studies Chinese and she can speak it well. She __6___ with a girl. Her name is Lily. She’s from England. This is___7_ first year, so she can __8_ only a little(一点) Chinese. She studies computer. The two girls can _9____basketball. __10___often play basketball together(一起).
( ) 1.A. in B. from C. at
( ) 2. A. given B. full C. family
( ) 3. A. teacher B. worker C. doctor
( ) 4. A. bank B. shop C. hospital
( ) 5. A. America B. China C. England
( ) 6. A. live B. lives C. living
( ) 7. A. Lily’s B. Lily C. Lilys
( ) 8. A. say B. talk C. speak
( ) 9. A. play B. do C. speak
( ) 10. A. They B. We C. Their
四、阅读理解(20分, 每小题2分)
Lilin and Li Tao are twin brothers. They look the same. They’re Chinese. Jim is an English boy. He’s their classmate. He’s twelve. His sister’s name is Joy. She is thirteen. They are in No. 12 Middle School. They are good friends.
Oh, Jim has a cat. It’ name is Kitty. He likes it very much.
( ) 1. Jim and Li Tao are ______.
A. brothers B. new students C. classmates D. twins
( ) 2. Joy is ________.
A. a Chinese girl B. a Japanese girl
C. English D. an American girl
( ) 3.How old are the twins?
I don’t know. B. They are twelve.
They are thirteen. D. They are Chinese.
( ) 4. Jim has_________.
A. a cat named Mimi B. a cat named Kitty
C. a bird named Polly D. a dog
( ) 5.Which school are they in?
A. No.72 Middle School B.No.12 Middle School
C. No. 2 Middle School D. No.1 Middle School

Look at the picture.This is our school.There are five building in our school.There are thirty-two classroom in the Teaching Building.Our gym is behind the Teaching Building.The teacher’s offices are in the Office Building.Our library Building is next to the Office Building.There are many books and magazines(杂志) in the library.Is the Library Building next to the Science Lab Building?---No,it’s in front of it.There are seven labs in it.Behind the Science Lab is the dining hall.In the dining hall there are many tables and chairs.We have meals there.Welcome to our school.
Read it carefully and choose the best answer.(5 scores)
( )6.Our school has got ___building. A.2 B.3 C.5 D.8
( )7.The Teaching Building is ____the gym.
behind B.in the front of C.in front of D.next to
( )8.The Library Building is _____the Office Building.
A.next to B.behind C.on D.in front of
( )9.The Library Building is in front of____.
A.the Teaching Building B.the gym C.the Science Lab D.the Office Building
( )10.The students have meals in____.
A.the dining hall B.the library C.the science lab D.the offices

五、词汇(10分, 每小题1分)
There are six ______ (book) on the desk.
Tom can _______(play) basketball.
She likes ______ (swim)
Please _________(welcome) Betty to our class.
Your mother _____(be) a teacher.
She is ______(43) years old.
Daming’s father is a factory _______(经理).
They’re Betty’s ________(父母亲).
Mr. Smith is in the ________(办公室).
Can you ________(骑) a bike?
She can play the piano..(改为否定句)
She _______ __________the piano..
I like playing football. (改为否定句)
I _______ ________ playing football.
3. The library is behind the teaching building. (对划线部分提问)
_______ _______ the library?
There are fifty students in our class. (对划线部分提问)
________ ________ ________are there in your class?
I am thirteen years old. (对划线部分提问)
_______ _______ are you?
There is a picture on the wall. (改成复数形式)
There ________ some _________ on the wall.
There is a TV in my class. (改一般疑问句,并作否定回答)
_______ _______ a TV in your class? No, ______ _______.
I’m Chinese. (改为同义句).
I _____ from ______.
9. What’s your father’s job? (写出答语)
_______ ______a doctor.
10.This i s a pen.(用a pencil改为选择疑问句)
________ ________ a pen ________a pencil?
在新学期里,你结识了来自美国的新朋友Peter, 你想把他介绍给你的同学们。请根据表格提示,写一篇不少于50词的英语短文。(请同学们将作文写在答题卷上)
Name Country Class Age Friends Favourite food Can do Can’t do family
Peter America Clas Three 13
Mike Noodles(面条)
Rice(米饭) Sing,
Speak English Swim,
Play football father


第1个回答  2009-01-22