
我叫XX,来自中国广东省,2001年以优异的成绩考进深圳大学外语系,攻读英语翻译专业翻译学位,并以3.69优异的积点分,取得了应届优等毕业生的称号. 大学生活使我不仅在学习方法、专业知识上得到了全方位立体化的发展,更重要的是提高了我对各学科知识的融合能力,同时也极大的提高了我的求知欲望。因此,我决定在毕业后去美国留学,通过了解,目前我希望申请**大学**专业。

通过大学四年的学习,我对英语翻译有了全面了解。在专业课的学习中,取得了优异的成绩。学习中我注重了外国文化和语言交流,深交了一位美国朋友使我的口语得到了提高。为了坚实的学术基础和实践能力每年假期自己都找一些相关专业工作实践。例如在02年暑假在中电创意会展有限公司担任过前台接待员工作。积极参与每一届CHINA HI-TECH FAIR为一些外国商人做翻译工作,并得到外国商人高度评价。同时还参加过03年和04年的中国商品贸易交易会翻译工作。



上面是我的个人陈述 要求人工翻译 谢绝软件翻译 那东西我也会用
另外 谢谢啦 完成之后有分追 感激不尽啊

My name is XX, from Guangdong Province, China, in 2001 with outstanding achievements admitted to Department of Foreign Languages, Shenzhen University, studying English translation professional translation degrees, and 3.69 points outstanding points, and achieved the title of fresh cum laude. University life I am not only in the learning methods, expertise has been all-round development of three-dimensional and, more importantly, to improve my knowledge of the integration of capacity, but also greatly improved my desire for knowledge. Therefore, I decided to go to the United States to study after graduation, through understanding, I wish to apply for professional ** ** University.Through four years of university study, I have a comprehensive understanding of English translation. In the courses of study, and achieved excellent results. I pay attention to the study of foreign culture and language exchange, a distant friends in the United States to make my spoken language has been improved. To a solid academic foundation and practical ability to find the annual leave themselves some relevant professional practice. For example, in summer 2002 in the creative At the same time, also participated in 2003 and in 2004 China's merchandise trade fairs translation work. 2004 I have made outstanding achievements Shenzhen Everbright Securities Company favor, the company entered the practice of qualified graduates in the year, in addition to giving full play to my translation work, by the people of my honest, hard-working, solely the character of his associates who has been general manager of the praise and appreciation.power Exhibition In addition to professional knowledge and practice to learn things, I am also very keen to participate in clubs and sports activities, schools Shenzhen University is a member of the Blue team, on behalf of the school participated in three sessions, "the Guangdong Provincial college basketball league. Participated in the School 03 and 04 session The English debate tournament, I was the best debate in hand, the group made the first.Co., Ltd. served as receptionist work. Actively participate in each session of CHINA HI-TECH FAIR for a number of foreign businessmen to do the translation work and spoke highly of foreign businessmen."Pragmatic, staunch, hard-working, energetic," I inherited the fine traditions, but also my life credo. Faced with a strong thirst for knowledge and love of professional knowledge, I have decided to choose the United States to continue their professional learning, to accept the American University of rigorous teaching, cutting-edge research and new ways of thinking and thus to enrich themselves and realize their own value, but also I hope he can become the United States in the transmission of cultural envoys between the two countries.
第1个回答  2009-01-17
强烈建议重新写一篇更好的,更生动的,更有感染力的,更具体的, 更突出主题的。否则玩不转的。