

拜托啦~~不要用软件的阿 !!

abstruct of paper for graduate,isn t it?

This is a systematic expatiation for the system,which is done after a serious research of traditional evaluation of teachers, and is done with resort the knolodge i have learned.This system improved the evaluation of teachers in traditional way,and it has characteristics as follow: data accessing is faster, even higner efficiency, more conveniency and haste. To the judgement of teachers on net,the biggest preponderance it has is even higher reliability and veracity. It use real JAVA together with SQL,which is an effective method to access the database Access to make it's basic function come ture. The main function of this system is information adding of teachers, modifying and counting. Students can also use this system to judge their teacher even on their own PC.In this paper,i totally introduce the courses of every function of this system,and tell the differences between the two ways of teacher evaluation——net way and trtraditional way.