

The Children of Captain Grant)

20,000 lieues sous les mers

The Mysterious Island

From the Earth to the Moon

Around the World in 80 Days

Voyage au centre de la terre (Journey to the Center of the Earth)

自20世纪以来,凡尔纳的多部作品曾不止一次地被搬上过大屏幕,比如《格兰特船长的儿女》(1936年,由前苏联拍摄),《海底两万里》(1954年电影,1997年电视重拍),《地心游记》(1959年),《环游世界八十天》(2004年)。改编自凡尔纳的《地心游记》已于2008年重新以立体电脑特技搬上屏幕,该片名为《地心冒险》,由《神鬼传奇》男角布兰登·费雪主演,于8月14日上映 。[1]

第1个回答  2008-12-25

(根据其英文的出版时间) 书名
1869 Five Weeks in a Balloon
1869 From the Earth to the Moon
1872 Journey to the Center of the Earth
1873 Adventures of 3 Englishmen and 3 Russians in South Africa
1873 All Around the Moon
1873 Around the World in 80 Days
(八十天环游地球 )
1873 Children of Captain Grant
1873 Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
1874 Dr Ox's Experiment(牛博士)
A Winter Amid Ice(一个在冰雪中度过的冬天)
1874 Floating City(浮城记)
the Blockade Runners(突破封锁)
1874 Fur Country,or 70°North Latitude
1875 Captain Hatteras
1875 Mysterious Island
1875 Wreck of the Chancellor
1876 Michael Strogoff, Courier of the Czar(沙皇的邮件), and A Drama in Mexico(墨西哥的“幽灵” )
1877 Child of the Cavern
1877 Hector Servadac
1878 Dick Sands, or the Boy Captain
1879 Begum's Fortune
1879 Exploration of the World (The)
1880 Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century (The)
1880 Steam House
1880 Tribulations of a Chinaman in China
1881 Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon
1881 Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century (The)
1883 Godfrey Morgan: a Californian Mystery
1883 Green Ray (The): A Romance of the Scottish Highland
1883 Keraban the Inflexible
1883 School For Crusoes
1885 Archipelago on Fire
1885 Mathias Sandorf
1885 Southern Star Mystery
1886 Lottery Ticket
1886 Salvage From the Cynthia
1887 North against South
1887 Robur the Conqueror
1888 Flight to France
1889 Family Without a Name
1889 Two Year Vacation
1890 Caesar Cascabel
1890 Purchase of the North Pole (The)
1891 Mistress Branican
1893 Carpathian Castle
1894 Claudius Bombarnac, Special Correspondent
1895 Captain Antifer
1895 Foundling Mick (P'Tit Bonhomme)
1896 Floating Island
1897 Clovis Dardentor
1897 For the Flag
1898 Antarctic Mystery (An)
1900 Will of An Eccentric (The)
1909 Chase of the Golden Meteor
1911 Master of the World
1923 Lighthouse at the End of the World (The) (now attributed to Michel Verne)
1923 Second Fatherland
(published as: Their Island Home, and The Castaways of the Flag)
1960 Astonishing Adventure of the Barsac Mission
Pt 1: Into the Niger Bend
Pt 2: City in the Sahara
1962 Golden Volcano
(now attributed to Michel Verne)
(published as: Claim on Forty Mile Creek, and Flood and Flame)
1963 Secret of Wilhelm Storitz
1964 Village in the Treetops
1965 Agency Thompson and Company (The)
(Published as Package Holiday, and End of the Journey)
1965 Yesterday and Tomorrow(A collection of short stories)
1967 Danube Pilot
1967 Drama in Livonia
1967 Survivors of the Jonathen
(published as The Masterless Man, and The Unwilling Dictator)
1967 Yarns of Jean-Marie Cabidoulin (The)
(Published as: The Sea Serpent)
1992 Backwards to Britain
1997 Paris in the Twentieth Century
2001 Invasion of the Sea
(Invasion de la Mer - First Hard cover edition = 2001, as a poorly translated serial in 1905)
2002 Magellania
n/a Illustrated Geography of France and Her Colonies
(Geographie Illustree de la France et de ses Colonies - Not translated into English))
n/a Kip Brothers (The)
(Les Frères Kip - Not Translated into English)
n/a Priest in 1839 (A)
(Un Pretre en 1839 - Not translated into English)
n/a Superbe Orinoco
(Superbe Or閚oque (Le)- Not Translated into English)
n/a Travelling Scholarships
(Bourses de voyage - Not Translated into English)
n/a Uncle Robinson
(L'Oncle Robinson - Not translated into English)
第2个回答  2008-12-25

Cinq semaines en ballon (Five Weeks in a Balloon)

Voyage au centre de la terre (Journey to the Center of the Earth)

De la terre à la lune (From the Earth to the Moon)

Les Enfants du Capitaine Grant (The Children of Captain Grant)

20,000 lieues sous les mers,1873 (20,000 Leagues Under the Sea)

Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours (Around the World in 80 Days)

L'Ile mystérieuse (The Mysterious Island)

Michel Strogoff (Michael Strogoff)

L'Etoile du Sud (The Star of the South)

Face au Drapeau (For the Flag)

Maître du Monde (Master of the World)

L'Invasion de la Mer (The Invasion of the Sea)

Le Phare du bout du monde ( The Lighthouse at the End of the World )


第3个回答  2012-11-05
The Children of Captain Grant)

20,000 lieues sous les mers

The Mysterious Island
第4个回答  2008-12-27
The Children of Captain Grant 格兰特船长的儿女们
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 海底两万里
Around the World in 80 Days 80天环游地球
The Mysterious Island 神秘岛