五年级下册的《同步达标训练 课课练单元练》的期中AB卷的答案


A卷 一、 1、B 2、B 3、B 4、B 5、A 二、1、错 2、对 3、错 4、对 5、对 三、1、B 2、C 3、B 4、C 5、C 四、1、Oct.5th 2、7:00am.,6:30pm. 3、spring,hiking 4、shopping,weekends 5、eat,lunch 五、Name Favourite season Can... Sarah summer swim in the sea Ann winter play with the snow Ben spring eat many food Father fall go hiking Mother fall climb mountains 六、hot,swim,rains,plant,in,apples,Winter,cold,it,snowman 七、1、Because I can go hiking 2、It's Sept.12th 3、It's Monday 4、I climb mountains 5、根据实际情况 八、A:How many seasons are there in a year? A:Which seson do you like best? A:Why do you like fall best? B:Is your birthday in fall,too? B:What's the date? 九、1、错 2、对 3、错 4、错 5、对 十、My favourite season is spring.In spring,the weather is warm and windy.I can go hiking.I can wear shirt. Spring is green and beautiful! (如果要写其他季节的话,把季节的名字、天气、穿的衣服、可以做什么 代进去) B卷 一、1、B 2、B 3、B 4、A 5、A 二、1、错 2、对 3、错 4、错 5、对 三、1、C 2、C 3、A 4、C 5、A 四、1、four,spring,fall 2、often,climb,mountains 3、winter,cold 4、March,12th 五、Time Activity 6:30a.m. get up 7:00a.m. eat breakfast 9:10a.m. have computer class 11:30a.m. eat lunch 7:40p.m. eat dinner 8:30p.m. do homework 六、1、winter,skate 2、do,morning 3、spring,plant,trees 4、visit,grandparents 七、What day is it today? Do you ofetn fly kites on Monday? No,I can't Which season do you like best? Why do you like spring? 八、1、实际情况 2、No,it isn;t 3、It's Dec.25th 4、It's June 21st 5、实际情况 九、1、对 2、错 3、对 4、错 5、对 十、I'm XXX. On Saturday,I often go shopping.(可以代换成别的词语)Sometimes I visit my grandparents.(可以代换成别的词语) On Sunday,I often go hiking.(可以代换成别的词语) Sometimes I watch TV.(可以代换成别的词语)This is my day.