
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters)-The United nations is encouraging its New York staff to trade wool business suit for cooler clothing this summer so the organization can reduce air conditioning costs and help the environment.

“There is going to be a relaxing of the dress code and people are being encouraged to wear lighter clothing,” said US architect Michael Adlerstein, who is overseeing (监视) a $ 1. 8 billion renovation (革新) of the 60-year-old UN skyscraper.

Adlerstein said about $100,000 would be saved by turning the temperature up 5 degrees to 77 Fahrenheit (25 Celsius) in the UN secretariat building and to 75 F (24 C) in conference rooms, during a trial run in the hot month of August.

It would also help the environment in New York City, he said, About 4,400 million pounds of steam-equal to several hundred tons of carbon dioxide (CO2)---would be saved by reducing air conditioning at the Manhattan building.

He said staff were being encouraged to put off their dark suits and switch to lighter business casual clothing, Adlerstein was wearing a white shirt with neither jacket nor tie as he addressed reporters at UN headquarters.

“I don’t want to get involved in the fashion police of determining exactly what people can wear, but the encouragement of business casual is where we are going,” he said.

If the trial is a success, the temperature will be turned down 5 degrees in winter. The year-round changes could save up to $1 million annually, Adlerstein said.

Japanese diplomats will likely have an easy time making the change, In 2005, Japan launched a “Cool Biz” campaign encouraging people to dress down in summer to reduce air conditioning use and greenhouse gas emissions (排放).

联合国(路透社报道)- 联合国正鼓励其纽约总部的员工今年夏天收起他们的羊毛西服而换穿较为凉爽的着装,这样联合国能减少空调开支并且有助环保。

“着装规则将变得宽松,人们正受到鼓励穿着更轻薄的衣服”,美国建筑师Michael Adlerstein说。这位建筑师监督着这栋有着60年历史的联合国摩天大楼进行着这项18亿美金的革新。






日本外交官可能轻松度过改革。2005年,日本推广了一个“Cool Biz”的宣传,旨在鼓励人们在夏天穿得较少正式来减少空调使用和暖室气体排放.

第1个回答  2009-03-17

美国设计师阿德勒•斯坦一直监督这栋有60年之久的联合国摩天大楼的18亿美金革新,他说:“(我们)正鼓励人们穿更轻便的服饰,这样有助于缓解服饰条码。” 在炎热的8月进行的一次实验中,阿德勒•斯坦说:“通过将联合国秘书大厦里的温度调高5度至77华氏(即25摄氏度)而会议厅的至75华氏(即24摄氏度)将节约成本10万美金,而且还有利于纽约市的环境改善。通过减少曼哈顿大厦里的空调排放将减少大约44亿磅(相当于数百吨的二氧化碳)气体。”

他还说,“我们正鼓励员工脱下深色西服换穿更轻便的商务休闲服。” 阿德勒•斯坦在联合国总部做报告时他没带夹克也没系领带只穿了一件白色衬衫,说道:“我不想被卷入成为真正决定人们可以穿什么服饰的时尚警察,而是鼓励穿商务休闲服。”他说,如果实验成功,纽约市冬天的气温将下降5度。全年气候变化每年将节约成本1000000美元。日本外交官要做出变革很可能就简便了。2005年,日本开始了“清凉商务”活动,鼓励人们在夏季穿得轻便以减少空调的使用和温室气体的排放。本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2009-03-17

“我们将是一个轻松的着装和人民正在鼓励穿着轻便的衣服,说: ”美国建筑师迈克尔阿德勒斯泰因,谁是监督(监视) 1美元。八十零万点〇万翻修(革新)的60岁的联合国摩天大楼。

阿德勒斯泰因说,大约十点○○○万美元将被保存,把温度上升5度至77华氏度( 25摄氏度)在联合国秘书处大楼和75个函数f ( 24个C )在会议室,在试运行中的热点8月份。

它还将有助于环境在纽约市,他说,关于四十四万点零零零万磅蒸汽相当于几百吨的二氧化碳( CO2 ) ---将被保存,减少空调在曼哈顿建设。


“我不想卷入这场时装警察确定什么人可以穿,但鼓励商务休闲是我们将, ”他说。


日本外交官将可能有一个简单的时间作出改变,在2005年,日本推出了“清凉商务”运动,鼓励人们在夏天穿着,以减少空调的使用和温室气体排放量(排放) 。
第3个回答  2009-03-17

Act on Instinct (凭着本能行动)

We are going to have to act,(我们将得采取行动,)
if we want to live in a different world. (如果我们希望活着的世界不同。)

We are going to have to act .(我们将得采取行动。)
There is a very unstable situation on the ground (当地的局势极端严重,)
that is unfolding very quickly.(处处激流汹涌。)
Move towards more ideas that will actually help (接近更多切实有用的设想,)
eh...bring this to an end.(男:使这局面终场。)

We are going to have to act. (我们将得采取行动。)
We are going to have to act. (我们将得采取行动。)

There is a very unstable situation on the ground(当地的局势极端严重,)
that is unfolding very quickly(处处激流汹涌。)