谁能帮我翻译下 张敬轩的my way的歌词意思

i will find my way
i want a different way
i'll change the wind and rain
there be a brand new day

i will find my way
i want a different way
nothing will stop me now
no matter what they say

i'll find my way
i will find my way
i find my way



will find my way 我将会找到我的路
i want a different way 我想要一条与众不同的路
after the wind and rain 在经历了风和雨后
there be a brand new day 那里将会有崭新的一天

i will find my way 我将会找到我的路
i want a different way 我想要一条与众不同的路
nothing will stop me now 现在没有任何事情能令我停下
no matter what they say 不管他们要说些什么

i'll find my way 我将会找到我的路
i will find my way 我将会找到我的路
i find my way 我要找属于我的路

第1个回答  2006-06-12
不是"i'll change",而是"after"

i will find my way 我将会找到我的路
i want a different way 我想找一条非同寻常的路
after the wind and rain 在风雨过后
there be a brand new day 将会有崭新的一天

i will find my way 我将会找到我的路
i want a different way 我想找一条非同寻常的路
nothing will stop me now 现在任何东西都不能阻止我
no matter what they say 无论他们要说些什么

i'll find my way 我将会找到我的路
i will find my way 我将会找到我的路
i find my way 我要找属于我的路

第2个回答  2006-06-12
i will find my way 我要寻找我的路
i want a different way 我想要一条非同寻常的路
i'll change the wind and rain 我将改变风和雨
there be a brand new day 那里有全新的日子

i will find my way 我要寻找我的路
i want a different way 我想要一条非同寻常的路
nothing will stop me now 现在什么都无法阻止我
no matter what they say 无论他们说什么

i'll find my way 我要寻找我的路
i will find my way 我要寻找我的路
i find my way 我要寻找我的路
第3个回答  2006-06-12
第4个回答  2006-06-12
My way 我的路
And now, the end is near 现在,终点已经靠近
And so I face the final curtain 于是我要面对最后的落幕
My friend, I'll say it clear 我的朋友,我将会清楚的说出来
I'll state my case, of which I'm certain 我会肯定的陈述我的经历
I've lived a life that's full 我已经度过了充实的一生
I've traveled each and every highway 我已经走过所有的每一条高速路
But more, much more than this 但是更多,更多于此的是
I did it my way 我走自己的路
Regrets, I've had a few 后悔,我也曾有过一些
But then again, too few to mention 但是一样的是,(后悔的事情)太少不值得提起
I did what I had to do 我(都)是做我必须做的事情
And saw it through without exemption 回想起来也不会想去改变它
I planned each charted course 我计划好每一次行程
Each careful step along the byway 孤身一人在小道上时我会小心的走每一步
And more, much more than this 但是更多,更多于此的是
I did it my way 我走自己的路
Yes, there were times I'm sure you knew 是的,有过那么几次,我相信你也知道
When I bit off more than I could chew 当我咬下超过我能咀嚼的分量的时候
But through it all, when there was doubt 但是这一切,当还是犹豫的时候
I ate it up and spit it out 我毫不保留的吞了下去
I faced it all and I stood tall 我面对一切并且昂首而立
I did it my way 我走自己的路
I've loved, I've laughed and cried 我曾经爱过,我曾经笑过哭过
I've had my fill; my share of losing 我曾经心满意足,我也承受过失败
And now, as tears subside 现在,当泪水消逝
I find it all so amusing 我发现一切(回想起来)都(会觉得)那么有趣
To think I did all that 回想起我做过的一切
And may I say - not in a shy way 我可以毫不害羞的说
"No, oh no not me"不,我不是这样,
I did it my way" 我走自己的路"
For what is a girl, what has she got? 什么是一女孩,她拥有什么?
If not herself, then she has naught 如果她不拥有自身,那她就一无所有
To say the things She truly feels 说出她真实感觉的事情
And not the words of one who kneels 而不是屈尊的言语
The record shows I took the blows 唱片记录下我已经有点上气不接下气了
I did it my way 我走自己的路
yes,it was my way 是的,这就是我的路