
求一篇关于“How do you study English"的初二水平4人对话。大约20句

第1个回答  2014-01-10
照你的情况来看,还是要把单词发音,语调等先搞好,然后就剩背了,要背的熟,掌握自己这个人物想要表达的就可以了(怎么像在谈表演哩- -!)
第2个回答  2014-01-10
Jack, Smith, Amy and Lucy are talking about how to study English: J: Hi, everyone, what are you geting along with your English?S: Just so so, I kept enriching my vocabulary every day, I put me on a diet of 50 words a day.A: I chat with foreigners by Skype and I find my oral is making progress day by day.S: That's sounds good.J: I think so, and you, Lucy?L:Well, I registered in a site of English studies and take 30 minutes' course everyday, It is a comprehensive practice.S,A, L: How about you?J: I have a new method in studying English and It has proved to be a good way .S: What?J: I have been seening original move these days. A: Which moves?J: Such as Sound of Music, Beauty and Beast, Gone with the Wind and the list is goes on. These moves 'plot are very wonderful!L: Can you understand these plots?J:Yes, to begin with, I chose the move whose plot was easy understand and amounts of vocabulary was large. Later, I chose more involuted plot according to my ability.S: Now wonder your accent is close to Americans.J:the result is obvious, isn't it?A:I benefited much from our talking! L:Same here.S:I have a new way of learning English now.J: oh, yes?S: May be some combination of the four.L: That's a good idea!