


Company in the business of restructuring, the existing salary system for a certain refinement, but also has a certain effect, but the practice has proved that the company did not fully realize the strategic intent of the post-transition. At present, xx strategic focus of the company are: management skills, technical level, quality of service, technology's ability to improve sales, human resources focus of attention is also responsible for the corresponding operations to the employees, it is necessary to focus on their motivation. However, the value of these people did not pay the allocation reflected, making it difficult to attract and retain them. With the increasing competition in the market, especially corporate strategy adjustments, the importance of pay administration out on the highlights, in the face of brutal competition in the market, the company struggling, difficult before, the company pay system changes imminent.
第1个回答  2009-02-27
翻译内容如下:Company in the business of restructuring, the existing salary system for a certain refinement, but also has a certain effect, but the practice has proved that the company did not fully realize the strategic intent of the post-transition. At present, xx strategic focus of the company are: management skills, technical level, quality of service, technology's ability to improve sales, human resources focus of attention is also responsible for the corresponding operations to the employees, it is necessary to focus on their motivation. However, the value of these people did not pay the allocation reflected, making it difficult to attract and retain them. With the increasing competition in the market, especially corporate strategy adjustments, the importance of pay administration out on the highlights, in the face of brutal competition in the market, the company struggling, difficult before, the company pay system changes imminent.
第2个回答  2009-02-27
您好翻译内容如下:Company in the business of restructuring, the existing salary system for a certain refinement, but also has a certain effect, but the practice has proved that the company did not fully realize the strategic intent of the post-transition. At present, xx strategic focus of the company are: management skills, technical level, quality of service, technology's ability to improve sales, human resources focus of attention is also responsible for the corresponding operations to the employees, it is necessary to focus on their motivation. However, the value of these people did not pay the allocation reflected, making it difficult to attract and retain them. With the increasing competition in the market, especially corporate strategy adjustments, the importance of pay administration out on the highlights, in the face of brutal competition in the market, the company struggling, difficult before, the company pay system changes imminent.
第3个回答  2009-02-28
赚点钱买饭吃,纯真的人工翻译英文:Company in the business of restructuring, the existing salary system for a certain refinement, but also has a certain effect, but the practice has proved that the company did not fully realize the strategic intent of the post-transition. At present, xx strategic focus of the company are: management skills, technical level, quality of service, technology's ability to improve sales, human resources focus of attention is also responsible for the corresponding operations to the employees, it is necessary to focus on their motivation. However, the value of these people did not pay the allocation reflected, making it difficult to attract and retain them. With the increasing competition in the market, especially corporate strategy adjustments, the importance of pay administration out on the highlights, in the face of brutal competition in the market, the company struggling, difficult before, the company pay system changes imminent.别抢生意哦!~~谢谢.

