

  As an important teaching method, multimedia teaching can promote students' active learning, and create a good language environment, and increase the capacity of classroom teaching. Effective combination of multimedia and English teaching can improve the effect of classroom teaching, stimulate students' learning interest, expand students' knowledge and reading ability. We know that in 。51yuanchuang。com。the traditional teaching method, way of communication between teachers and students is relatively simple, blunt blackboard and chalk tend to make teaching activities is boring, students' cognitive and accept poor effect. And the modern multimedia teaching breaks the traditional teaching mode, which uses multimedia equipment to various teaching media in one, by the teacher according to the requirements of different class, flexible maneuvering using media for teaching practice. Multimedia teaching to make full use of diverse audio and video files, so that teaching activities more fun, in the teaching of middle school students have a sense of immersive, learning excitement to get a variety of stimuli. This not only enhances their learning interest and enthusiasm, but also greatly improves the quality of teaching.
第1个回答  2017-01-08
llest use of these blessed faculties. Their eyes and ears take in all sights and soun