

第1个回答  2023-06-10


1. Above:位于…上方,例如 "The bird is flying above the trees."(鸟儿飞在树的上方)

2. Below:位于…下方,例如 "The fish is swimming below the boat." (鱼在船的下方游动)

3. Beside:在旁边,紧靠,例如 "I like to sit beside my best friend in class."(我喜欢在班上坐在我最好的朋友旁边)

4. Next to:紧挨着,下一站,例如 "The coffee shop is next to the bookstore."(咖啡店紧挨着书店)

5. Across from:在对面,例如 "The hotel is across from the park."(旅馆在公园的对面)

6. In front of:在前面,例如 "There is a beautiful garden in front of the museum."(博物馆前面有一个美丽的花园)

7. Behind:在后面,例如 "The car is parked behind the building." (车子停在建筑后面)

8. On the left side of:在左边,例如 "My house is on the left side of the street."(我的房子在街道左侧)

9. On the right side of:在右边,例如 "The parking lot is on the right side of the shopping mall."(停车场在购物中心的右侧)

10. In the middle of:在中间,例如 "The cat is sitting in the middle of the sofa."(猫咪坐在沙发的中间)

11. Inside:在内部,例如 "I left my keys inside my bag."(我把钥匙放在包里了)

12. Outside:在外部,例如 "It's raining outside."(外面在下雨)
