






标准最大干密度【maximum dry unit weight】指的是按照标准击实试验方法,土或其他筑路材料在最佳含水量时得到的干密度。
第1个回答  2009-03-21
Highway construction projects are from the engineering design of the overall situation, in accordance with the characteristics of engineering design drawings and engineering projects in accordance with objective laws and the specific construction project site conditions and project requirements to consider co-ordinating the activities of artificial construction, materials, machinery and construction methods, such as the five elements of all the works of construction technology, construction progress and the corresponding consumption of materials to make scientific and reasonable arrangements for the construction of the continuity of productive activities, coordination, balance and economy to provide the optimal program.
This article first works on the basis of organization and structure, engineering, project profiles, including (starting Ending mileage, geographic location, construction conditions, the project budget estimate, etc.), then describes the works as well as the construction of the overall deployment of the overall arrangements. Finally on construction safety, environmental protection and civilization of production to do a simple narrative. Thesis detailed presentation of the main projects of the construction methods and construction technology. Subgrade is the cornerstone of the whole project good or bad, in the roadbed project focuses on the treatment of the subgrade soil, the subgrade soil using a two-tier 15cm limestone soil stability grassroots construction method. Construction prior to do a good job of lime-soil test, mastering the maximum dry density and optimum water content in order to control dose and detection of ash density. At the specific process in lime with particular attention to the digestion time and deal with the seams.
Learn through the construction of this article is the actual construction plays an important role in guiding the construction documents.
Key words: construction organization design, design drawings, tamping experiments, maximum dry density本回答被提问者采纳