


In this article from the 2008 world's top 16 athletes of the women's epee competition data to start on the women's epee technical and tactical characteristics and development trend analysis to identify the women's epee athletes in today's technical and tactical characteristics, for China's women's epee skills tactical development and provide valuable reference. In the course of research, I mainly used literature, video observation, expert interviews and mathematical statistics method and logical reasoning method, as defined in the women's epee main technical aspect and technical indicators, through technical and tactical offensive player defensive techniques and tactics, technical and tactical counter-offensive from the rhythm of the areas of statistics and analysis, summed up the women's epee athletes in today's technical and tactical characteristics of the situation and development trend of its conduct in-depth summary.

Through research, we found that: today's women's epee athletes technical and tactical characteristics of an attack on technology-oriented to start with defense and counterattack and take the initiative to look for scoring opportunity for the basic features. Offensive technology is the use of a direct attack on the main form of expression; defense in the fourth defense the highest utilization rate, scoring more; counterattack multi-point Change technically counter-offensive techniques, and above the main line of counterattack; in the distance and at close range today's athletes are women's epee swords and use their technical and tactical best distance; according to market situation and the rhythm of different changes, today's women's epee are essential ability of elite athletes; today's women's epee at the time of the athletes to grasp the opportunity to catch up to focus on and the creation of the time, this is also one of its technical and tactical characteristics.