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英语 里 的“lion(狮子)”有着丰富的文化内涵,狮子的形象是勇敢、有气势、威严的,被喻为百兽之王,因此便有“a
lion heart(勇士),
"majestic as a lion(像狮子一样雄伟)","a literary
lion(文学界的名人)”等用语。英国人以狮子作为自己国家的象征," The British lion”即指英国。在中华民族文化中,狮子却没有这么丰富的内涵,能引起类似联想的则是“tiger(老虎)”。在中华民族看来,老虎才是百兽之王,用老虎来形容勇猛、威武一点不为过。

In the English "lion (the Lion)" has a wealth of culture, lion's image is brave, powerful, commanding, was hailed as the King of beasts, "a lion heart (Warrior)," majestic as a lion (as majestic as a lion) "," a literary lion (literary celebrities) "terms. British lion as a symbol of their own country, "The British lion" means the United Kingdom. In Chinese culture, the Lions were not so rich connotations, can cause a similar association is "Tiger (Tiger)". In the view of the Chinese nation, the Tiger is the King of beasts, described as the Tiger bold, powerful point cannot be overemphasized.
第1个回答  2013-03-18
In English "lion (lion)" has a rich cultural connotations, the lion is brave, powerful, majestic, known as the king of animals, so it is "a lion heart (Warriors)," majestic as a lion (as majestic as a lion), literary lion ("a" famous in the literary world ")...