
希望回答的具体一点 我知道要穿特殊的衣服 眼睛 靴子 还有嘴巴上戴着一个长长的东西 叫什么 想鸟嘴一样的

请检索:鸟嘴医生 Doctor Schnabel。中世纪时,黑死病横行欧洲,当时的医生为了杜绝感染,身穿泡过蜡的亚麻或帆布衫,头顶戴着黑帽,戴上可过滤空气、状如鸟嘴般的面具,眼睛由透明的玻璃护着,手着白手套,持一木棍,用来掀开病患的被单或衣物、或指挥病人如何疗病,他们深深地相信这样的装备可以保护自己免於黑死病的感染。
A plague doctor (Italian: medico della peste, Dutch: pestmeester, German: Pestarzt) was a special medical physician who saw those who had the plague[1] They were specifically hired by towns that had many plague victims in times of plague epidemics. Since the city was paying their salary, they treated everyone: both the rich and the poor.[2] They were not normally professionally trained experienced physicians or surgeons, and often were second-rate doctors not able to otherwise run a successful medical business or young physicians trying to establish themselves.[1]