
像As long as I love you, my love这样的。

  1 blowing in the wind

  How many roads must a man walk downBefore they call him a man 一个人要走多少修途,才能称得上真正的男子汉.
  How many seas must a white dove sail
  Before she sleeps in the sand 白鸽须飞跃多少海岸,方能酣憩沙滩
  How many times must the cannon balls fly
  Before they're forever banned 炸弹要在空中炫耀多久,才能彻底完蛋!
  The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind
  The answer is blowing in the wind 此中的答案,业已随风而逝矣.

  How many years must a mountain exist
  Before it is washed to the sea 山峦能屹立几何,才会被海洋吞噬.
  How many years can some people exist
  Before they're allowed to be free 有些人要等待多久,才能享受自由欢颜.
  How many times can a man turn his head
  And pretend that he just doesn't see 人要扭转多少次头,而他却仍然视而不见
  The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind
  The answer is blowing in the wind此中的答案,业已随风远去也.

  How many times must a man look up
  Before he can see the sky 人要多少次抬头看,才能看见真正的蓝天.
  How many ears must one man have
  Before he can hear people cry 统治者需要多少只人耳,才能听见人们的哭喊!
  How many deaths will it take
  'Till he knows that too many people have died需要多少人的生命,他才能知道很多人已命归黄泉!
  The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind
  The answer is blowing in the wind 此中的答案啊,业已随风而逝矣.

  2 wish you were here
  So, so you think you can tell 所以,所以你以为你可以

  Heaven from Hell, 在地狱里辨认天堂

  blue skies from pain.从痛苦中找回蓝天

  Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?那么你能否从冰冷的铁轨辨认翠绿的田园

  A smile from a veil?透过面纱辨认微笑?
  Do you think you can tell?你能么?
  And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?你是否想过,他们想让你用魔鬼换走你心中的英雄?

  Hot ashes for trees?用灼热的灰烬换走充满生机树木?

  Hot air for a cool breeze? 用滚烫的空气换走清凉的微风?

  Cold comfort for change?用漠然的舒适换走多样的生活?
  And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?用在战火中行走的无名小卒换取了一个囚笼里的将领?

  How I wish, how I wish you were here.我多么希望,多么希望你也在这里
  We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, 你我只是两尾在鱼缸中泅游的失落孤魂

  year after year,年复一年
  Running over the same old ground. 在同一块地方往复奔走

  What have you found? 我们找到了什么?

  The same old fears.同样熟悉的孤寂和恐惧
  Wish you were here.多么希望,希望你能在这里!

  3 强烈推荐 forever ----stratovarius
  I stand alone in the darkness ............... 独自伫立在凄冷的夜
  The winter of my life came so fast ......... 生命的寒冬铺天盖地而来
  Memories go back to childhood ............ ... 童年的回忆充满馨香
  to days I still recall ..................... 至今让我难忘怀

  Oh how happy I was then ? .................. 噢!那时我是多么欢快!
  There was no sorrow there was no pain....... 没有痛苦 没有哀愁
  Walking through the green fields ........... 漫步在葱绿无垠的田头
  Sunshine in my eyes ............................ 阳光如金跃入眼眸

  I’m still there everywhere ................ 无论身在何方 我心永在记忆的深秋
  I’m the dust in the wind .................. 我是风中一粒尘
  I’m the star in the northern sky .......... 我是北天一颗星
  I never stayed anywhere .................... 天涯海角无处停留
  I’m the wind in the trees ................. 我只是穿越树叶一缕风

  4 Tears In Heaven

  Eric Clapton

  Would you know my name if I saw you in heaven?-- 如果我在天堂和你见面,你还会记得我的名字吗?

  Will it be the same if I saw you in heaven?-- 如果我在天堂与你重逢,我们还能像从前一样吗?

  I must be strong, and carry on -------我必须学会坚强,勇敢支持下去,

  Cause I know I don’t belong here in heaven --因为我知道我还不属于天堂

  Would you hold my hand if I saw you in heaven?-- 如果我在天堂和你相遇,你愿意握住我的手吗?

  Would you help me stand if I saw you in heaven?-- 如果我在天堂与你再见,你愿意搀扶我起来吗?

  I’ll find my way, through night and day -------再给我一些日子,我会找到我的方向,

  Cause I know I just can’t stay here in heaven ----因为我知道我还不属于天堂。

  Time can bring you down; time can bend your knee ---时间能让你倒下,时间能让你屈膝,

  Time can break your heart. Have you begging please? 时间能伤了你的心,你还是会一直向上天祈求喜悦。

  Beyond the door there’s peace I’m sure. -----在那扇门后,我相信是块和平的乐土

  And I know there’ll be no more tears in heaven ---于是我知道,我将不再泪洒天堂!

  Would you know my name if I saw you in heaven --如果我在天堂和你见面,你还会记得我的名字吗?

  Will it be the same if I saw you in heaven ------如果我在天堂与你重逢,我们还能像从前一样吗?

  I must be strong, and carry on ----------我必须学会坚强,勇敢支持下去

  Cause I know I don’t belong here in heaven -----因为我知道我还不属于天堂。

  Would you wait for me forever? ............. 你是否会等我在-孤寂的街口
第1个回答  2008-05-08
有一首叫 And I love you so,可能不太好找,不过词一两遍肯定能听出来的,也挺好听的
第2个回答  2008-05-06
way back to love

第3个回答  2008-05-07
god is a gril