
我要 正方资料 能力比机遇更重要··

对于成功 能力比机遇更重要:
一辩:Good morning everyone! We are the objective / negative part. I’m debater 1, Huang Ping. ```````
First of all, please allow me to make a clear definition on the topic today. In
modern Chinese dictionary,capability refers to the subjective conditions to complete an activity, it can directly affect the efficiency, and it’s the psychological
characteristics of personality to make the activities well-down. One Min Nan song that sings “三分天注定,七分靠打拼,爱拼才会赢”,( three come from the
Heaven, seven by hard work, love to fight will win ?) . Thus ,when the opportunity comes, having the capability to grasp the opportunity is very important .
Secondly, a person's success is the interaction of internal and
external results , capability is the internal cause, and the opportunity is external. The Marx doctrine principle tells us that internal decide the nature and direction of the development of things , and external cause works through the internal cause. External cause can never play a role alone. So, compare to the opportunity , we think capability is more important to one’s success.
Thirdly, some people say that opportunity only comes out by accident, but
Madame Curie who got Nobel prize twice through her lifetime said that “the weak let the opportunities slip , but the strong can manufacture time ”.We know,
opportunity is based on capability, without capability, opportunity will be shaking and crumbling, like castles in the air. So, if we have capability, we can not only find the opportunity and seize the opportunity, but also create opportunity.
So, we think capability is the key to success!
伯乐&千里马篇: 我方:如果给你两匹马,一匹是千里马,一匹是普通的马,你会选择哪一匹马?机遇固然重要,但是成功更需要能力。机遇只是一个平台,能力是基础,而大师级的学者陈发足先生也告诉我们:基础的往往是最重要的。
If give you two horses, one is the qianlima(swift horse/chollima), the other is an ordinary horse, which one would you choose? Yeah ! Opportunity is important, but capability is more needed. We always believe that opportunity is just a platform,
however ,capability is the foundation, and Mr.Chen Fazu a master scholar also tells us that the foundation is often the most important.
Li Po, as a literary courtiers, the courage to "call the Son of Heaven had come on board", but also by allowing the right to get drunk off boots Huan. Admittedly, we can’t deny the fact that Li Po is incapability in political, so he didn’t realize his ambition in politics. But he is successful in the literature because of his literature capability.
Opportunity favors those who are well prepared. Even if one person's
opportunity is the better than others, one who has no ability cannot seize it, he only can watch the opportunity slip away from the side. so, in the real life, A competent person will has better opportunities for advancement .Capable people can not only seize the opportunity, more to create opportunities. Ma Yun is a typical example, he has the ability and can create opportunities for himself . In the end, he becomes the influential man.
Even the opportunity of internet is generated by efforts of a several generations of people with abilities. Steven jobs once was expelled from companies that he created himself,but he have the ability to create changce,so he was admited to Apple again,and finaly be the CEO of Apple.
第1个回答  2013-04-10


第2个回答  2013-04-11
No ability to grasp the opportunity is not bad, if only their own blame opportunities disability.
第3个回答  2013-04-10