

1. 隐藏真实意图:他们可能会masking their true intentions, or create illusions in their words and actions, making you believe they are your true friends or allies.
2. 善于伪装:They may adjust their attitudes and behaviors according to different situations, sometimes even showing excessive enthusiasm or friendliness to win your trust.
3. 经常提出不合理的要求:They might propose unreasonable demands in collaborations or interactions, such as commitments beyond your capabilities or additional responsibilities, to test your limits.
4. 挑剔和指责:They tend to nitpick and criticize over minor errors or shortcomings, aiming to make you feel guilty or uneasy, thus affecting your emotions and judgment.
5. 难以信任他人:People who scheme often harbor suspicions and mistrust towards others. They may deliberately express doubts and mistrust in their words and actions to manipulate you.
6. 拒绝分享信息:They will avoid sharing sensitive information or key data as much as possible, trying to catch you off guard without full knowledge of the situation.
7. 频繁改变计划:They may frequently change plans or decisions, leaving you confused or at a loss, or remain silent when inquiring about progress, hiding certain information.
These behaviors are commonly employed by those who scheme against you to achieve their aims, often at the expense of others. To avoid being taken advantage of, remain vigilant, maintain a clear head, and learn to recognize these behaviors to take timely measures to protect yourself.