长难句翻译:A further argument against the simple wear and tear theory is the observation that the

A further argument against the simple wear
and tear theory is the observation that the time within which organisms age lies
between a few days and several thousand years, as with mammoth trees.
within后面的which指代什么。。。。 as with 什么意思

LZ 的问题看来都出在“。。。the observation THAT” 后面的这个“从句套从句” 的长从句里。

这里的关键之一,是 age 这个词: 它不是名词,而是动词,意为“慢慢生长、变老” ------- ... the time {within which organisms age} lies between a few days and several thosuand years. 这个 { } 内整个是一个“小从句”,套在了 THAT 那个大从句内,你把它拿掉,得到的是 the time ... lies between a few days and several thousand years. = 这个时间短的话只有几天,长的话可达几千年"。 什么时间? the time {within which organisms age} = {生物成长老化的}时间。which = the time。

as with mammoth trees = 就像参天大树那样、比如参天大树 (=需要几千年来生长)。
第1个回答  2013-04-05
within which, which 指的是time. organisms age lies within the time between....
as 就像。as with mammoth trees = as the age with mammoth trees, 就好比参天古树的寿命。追问

对阿,我也觉得是指time ,但是楼下说 指 mammoth trees 后,我怎么感觉也对。

所以小分句的主语就是 ,time 谓语是lies ? 然后age 是organisms 的谓语?


从句中,organism‘s age(主语)lies (谓语)in time between... (时间状语)

第2个回答  2013-04-05
which指代mammoth trees
as with是和什么什么一样追问

the observation that the time within mammoth trees organisms age lies .....? 感觉不对啊...整个 句子,就 the time within which organisms age lies 这部分理解不懂。 什么是 organisms age lies? 哪个是东西, lies 还是 age?


不好意思 说错了
是这样 theory is the the observation (that the time within修饰observation) (这里可断)
organisms age lies between a few days and several thousand years, as with mammoth trees.


所以小分句的主语就是 time ,谓语是lies ? 然后age 是organisms 的谓语?


对 ,但是organisms age 是一个词组,作主语补语用,
比如像这样的句子,He,Bill,is a boy. 他,叫比尔,是个男孩。
那么time ,organisms age,lies between...就是一个完整的句子
