请帮我用英语翻译一下这篇文章 -致我们逝去的时光 还记得三年前,我们带着单纯的笑走进了这个学校这个...

请帮我用英语翻译一下这篇文章 -致我们逝去的时光 还记得三年前,我们带着单纯的笑走进了这个学校这个班级,遇见了陌生的彼此。老师说我们的相遇是缘分,要好好珍惜。那时的我们年少轻狂,以为三年很长,从未珍惜。 我们一起军训,一起上课,一起抱怨,一起努力,一起欢笑,一起哭泣。不知不觉得我们不再陌生,我们一起熟悉,一起成长。慢慢懂事的我们,渐渐发现三年已被我们挥霍得所剩无几了。那些住在我们心里的人啊,都散落在天涯。我们经营了三年的家庭就要散了,我们都要哭了。 三年,铭记。那是只属于我们的时光。

- by the time we lost remember three years ago, we walked into the school the class with a simple smile, met a strange each other. The teacher said that we meet is the fate, to cherish. When we are young and frivolous, think three years is a long time, never cherish. US military training, class together, complaining, together, laugh together, cry together. I don't think we are no longer strangers, together we are familiar with, to grow together. We slowly sensible, gradually discovered three years we have been prodigal. There is not much left. Those who live in our heart ah, have scattered in the horizon. Our business three years of family is scattered, we are going to cry. Three years, remember. That only belongs to us.
第1个回答  2013-02-07
Give our lost time Remember the three years ago ,We took a simple smile went into the school the class ,met strangers each other,The teacher said our meet is fate ,只能输这麽多 .没地了,还要就追问本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2013-02-07
I still remember, three years ago, we walked into this school, this class, with the naivest smile on our face and we met each other. The teacher said our encounter is fortune, we shall be grateful.