
最好写多点 不要只有5、6句


Here is my favourite restaurant for you.

It is called **(你自己编一个名字吧),a korean style restaurant.

When you first enter it,you'll find that its
fitment is amazing:

some cute swings right by the window.

and tatami is used in some particular room

All you feel here is peaceful

a lot of young people come here for dinners,and you might see some korean as well.

the most attractive point of this restaurant is its decilous food

the chef is a korean,he is sort of famous in Korea

so what else should I say about the food?

I bet you'll fall in love with it~

well,you dont have to worry about your wallet

coz the price there is so reasonable!

that's why I recommend this restaurant.

呼 终于写完了 呵呵