
一定很想对人倾诉你的烦恼。请你以Tony的名义写信新标准的Diana,叙述你遇到的困难,想向他寻求帮助。内容:1. 叙述以见你困惑的事 2. 问题是什么 3. 向Diana寻求帮助。(要英文的,初三水平,跪求,我很急!!!!忘帮忙,悬赏给30!!!!)

We high school students do have some growing pains.Some students worry about their looks and styles,which they think not good.To my mind,one's look and style is not so important as the inner beauty,such as one's quality and virtue.Some students say that they have few friends,which makes them upset.We can improve it by strengthen our communication with others.There are some students who can not gain high grades and feel great pressure.Try to study hard,and find out a proper way to learn.Only we have a proper way can we learn well.Last,as far as the lack of pocket money,we should learn to spend it in a right way.As we know,the pocket money comes from our parents,and it is not easy to earn.
That's all,thank you.追问


第1个回答  2013-02-02
sorry.i do not know,too