


1、lt USES JSP files to render all page components.


2、They couldn't resist anymore and decided to render up the city.


3、The worsening global shortage could render millions of dollars of high-value life-savingequipment totally useless.


4、After the initialization,you render the scene to the screen.


5、lt's a concept that is difficult to render into English.


6、The theme is also used to render the portal banner.


7、So why render that dynamically?


8、render content in a Web page.


9、To render the game results,add the code in Listing 7.


10、Page parse and render time were substantially improved.


11、Could we render this inimitable picture properly,then would everybody exclaim,Beautiful,unparalleled ltaly!

(如果我们能把这幅独一无二的图画恰当地描绘出来,那么人人都会惊叹:美丽无比的意大利! )

12、Note that the views do not render to complete HTML files.


13、Otherwise,render the form.


14、This tells the browser how to render the content.


15、The committee was asked to render a report on the housing situation.


第1个回答  2023-06-29


The artist used vibrant colors to render a beautiful sunset on the canvas.(艺术家使用鲜艳的颜色在画布上描绘了一个美丽的日落。)

The translator worked diligently to render the novel into English without losing its original meaning.(翻译家努力工作,将小说翻译成英语,同时不失去其原始含义。)

The software can render complex 3D images in real-time.(该软件可以实时呈现复杂的3D图像。)

The architect’s design plans were rendered into a detailed blueprint.(建筑师的设计方案被转化成了详细的蓝图。)

The actor’s performance effectively rendered the emotions of the character on stage.(演员的表演有效地展现出了台上角色的情感。)

Please render assistance to those in need during the crisis.(在危机期间,请向那些需要帮助的人提供援助。)

The storm rendered the roads impassable, causing traffic disruptions.(暴风雨导致道路无法通行,造成了交通中断。)

The judge rendered a verdict of guilty based on the evidence presented in court.(法官根据法庭上提供的证据作出了有罪的判决。)

The rendering of the song by the singer touched the hearts of the audience.(歌手对歌曲的演绎打动了观众的心。)

The restoration team carefully rendered the historical painting, bringing it back to its original splendor.(修复团队仔细修复了这幅历史画作,使其回复了原有的辉煌。)


词组翻译:render(动词)- 翻译、表现、呈现、使成为



    Render a verdict - 宣判

    Render assistance - 提供帮助

    Render a service - 提供服务

    Render an opinion - 表达意见

    Render a decision - 作出决定

含义解释:“Render” 是一个多义词,包括进行翻译、表现、呈现以及使成为的意思。它可以指将某物转化为特定形式或状态,也可以指完成某种任务或提供某种帮助。

语法详解:“Render” 是一个及物动词,需要接受一个名词作为宾语。它可以与不同的宾语搭配,表示不同的行为或结果。


    The translator rendered the poem from French into English.(翻译家将这首诗从法语翻译成英语。)

    The musician rendered the song beautifully, touching the audience’s hearts.(音乐家演奏了这首歌曲,动听的演奏触动了观众的心灵。)

    The designer rendered the idea into a stunning visual presentation.(设计师将这个想法表现为令人惊叹的视觉展示。)

    The company rendered valuable assistance to the local community after the natural disaster.(公司在自然灾害后向当地社区提供了宝贵的援助。)

    The judge will render a verdict based on the evidence presented in court.(法官将根据法庭上呈现的证据作出判决。)

第2个回答  2023-06-22




使成为;使变得;使处于某种状态。例如:His rudeness rendered me speechless. 他的粗暴无礼让我无言以对。

给予,提供;表达;表演。例如:The singers rendered the song with enthusiasm. 歌手们热情洋溢地演唱了这首歌。

翻译;把…译成。例如:She is rendering the book into English from French. 她正在把这本书从法语译成英语。

粉刷;给(墙壁)抹灰(或水泥)。例如:They are rendering the walls of the new house. 他们正在给新房子的墙壁抹灰。

熔化(动物脂肪);提炼(油脂)。例如:You can render the chicken down to make stock for soup. 你可以把这只鸡做成汤料。



英式发音:/ˈren.də /




He rendered his resignation yesterday. 他昨天递交了辞呈。

She rendered him a great service. 她为他提供了很大的帮助。

The storm rendered the roads impassable. 暴风雨使道路不通。

The poem is difficult to render into another language. 这首诗难以用另一种语言来翻译。

They rendered the wall smooth and white. 他们把墙壁抹得又平又白。


render assistance/help/service to sb/sth:向某人/某事提供援助/帮助/服务

render sb/sth harmless/useless/obsolete etc.:使某人/某事无害/无用/过时等

render an account/a verdict/a report etc.:提交一份账目/裁决/报告等

render sth down:熔化(动物脂肪);提炼(油脂)
